Sec. 366.038. TOLLING SERVICES. (a) In this section, "tolling services" means the tolling services normally provided through an authority's customer service center, including customer service, customer account maintenance, transponder supply, and toll collection and enforcement.
(b) An authority shall provide, for reasonable compensation, tolling services for a toll project in the boundaries of the authority, regardless of whether the toll project is developed, financed, constructed, and operated under an agreement, including a comprehensive development agreement, with the authority or another entity. This section does not restrict an authority from agreeing to provide additional tolling services in an agreement described in Subsection (d). Additional tolling services provided under an agreement under that subsection are subject to the provisions that apply to tolling services under this section.
(c) An authority may not provide financial security, including a cash collateral account, for the performance of tolling services the authority provides under this section if:
(1) the authority determines that providing security could restrict the amount, or increase the cost, of bonds or other debt obligations the authority may subsequently issue under this chapter; or
(2) the authority is not reimbursed its cost of providing the security.
(d) Before providing tolling services for a toll project under this section, an authority must enter into a written agreement that sets out the terms and conditions for the tolling services to be provided and the terms of compensation for those services.
(e) Toll revenues are the property of the entity that is entitled to the revenues under a tolling services agreement for the toll project, regardless of who holds or collects the revenues. Toll revenues that are held or collected by an authority under a tolling services agreement and are not the property of the authority are not subject to a claim adverse to the authority or a lien on or encumbrance against property of the authority. Toll revenues that are the property of the authority are not subject to a claim adverse to any other entity or a lien on or encumbrance against property of any other entity.
(f) An authority may agree in a tolling services agreement that its right and obligation to provide tolling services for the applicable toll project under this section are subject to termination for default and that after a termination for default this section does not apply to that toll project.
(g) Any public or private entity, including an authority or the department, may agree to fund a cash collateral account for the purpose of providing money that may be withdrawn as provided in the tolling services agreement because of an authority's failure to make any payment as required by the tolling services agreement. An authority's written commitment to fully or partially fund a cash collateral account is conclusive evidence of the authority's determination that the commitment does not violate Subsection (c). The department may use money from any available source to fund a cash collateral account under this subsection.
(h) For purposes of Subchapter C, Chapter 372, a toll project for which an authority provides tolling services under a tolling services agreement is considered a toll project of the authority and the authority is considered the toll project entity with respect to all rights and remedies arising under that subchapter regarding the toll project. The authority may not stop, detain, or impound a motor vehicle as authorized under that subchapter on a toll project's active traffic lanes unless a tolling service agreement addresses that action.
Added by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. 264 (S.B. 792), Sec. 9.05, eff. June 11, 2007.
Amended by:
Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. 373 (S.B. 246), Sec. 1, eff. June 17, 2011.
Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. 782 (H.B. 2549), Sec. 1, eff. September 1, 2015.