(a) Except for the pre-approved activities described under §367.1(d)(1) of this title (relating to Continuing Education), in order to be eligible for continuing education, activities must meet the following requirements.
(1) Acceptable Content. Activities must be professional development activities that ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the public and directly concern the maintenance or enhancement of knowledge and proficiencies relevant to occupational therapy practice or the pedagogy, education, ethics, or theory development of occupational therapy.
(2) Categories of Activities. Activities must fall under one or more of the categories described under subsection (b) of this section (relating to Categories of Other Acceptable Activities).
(3) Unacceptable Activities. Activities may not be unacceptable activities. Unacceptable professional development activities not eligible for continuing education include but are not limited to:
(A) Any non-instructional time frames such as breaks, meals, introductions, and pre/post testing.
(B) Business meetings.
(C) Exhibit hall attendance.
(D) Activities that provide information about the work setting's philosophy, policies, or procedures or educate employees about a specific work setting.
(E) Activities that concern business development, general professional behaviors/standards, or customer service.
(F) Activities that concern the self-promotion of the provider's or licensee's programs, products, or services.
(G) Activities that concern general topics such as social work; defensive driving; water safety; team building; Graduate Record Examinations (GRE)®, Graduate Management Admissions Test™ (GMAT), and Medical College Admission Test® (MCAT) preparation; general foreign languages; disposal of hazardous waste; patient privacy/rights or abuse of patients; cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR); First Aid; Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA); and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
(b) Categories of Other Acceptable Activities.
(1) Formal Academic Courses from an Occupational Therapy Program.
(A) Completion of course work at or through an accredited college or university. No maximum. 3 contact hours for each credit hour of a course with a grade of A, B, C, or P (Pass). Examples: A 3 credit course counts for 9 contact hours and a 4 credit course counts for 12 contact hours. Documentation shall include a transcript from the accredited college or university. Documentation must include the name of the licensee, accredited college or university, and program and the titles, number of credit hours, and dates of the courses. When semesters are listed on the documentation instead of dates, it must be accompanied by documentation from the accredited college or university showing the dates of the semesters.
(B) Development of a course or courses at or through an accredited college or university may be counted for up to a maximum of 10 contact hours. Documentation shall include a letter from the Program Director that attests to the licensee's development of the course and includes the name of the school, academic program, and course and the name and signature of the Program Director, and an attestation by the licensee of the dates and duration of the development activities completed.
(2) Courses or Training Programs. CE credit may be earned for in-service educational programs, training programs, institutes, seminars, workshops, facility-based courses, internet-based courses, conference sessions, and home-study courses with specified learning objectives. Hour for hour credit on program content only, no maximum. Documentation shall include a certificate of completion, letter of verification, transcript, or sign-in/attendance sheet. Documentation must identify the licensee by name and include the date and title of the activity; the name of the authorized signer; either the signature of the authorized signer or the official seal, letterhead, or logo of the authorized signer if an area designated for a signature is not included; and the number of hours or contact hours awarded for the activity. When the documentation lists a unit of credit other than hours or contact hours, such as continuing education units (CEUs), professional development units (PDUs), or other units or credits, it must be accompanied by documentation from the continuing education provider noting the equivalence of the units or credits in terms of hours or contact hours.
(3) Development of Publications or Software, or Grant/Research Activities. Documentation shall include an attestation by the licensee of the dates and duration of the development or grant/research activities completed. For publications/software, documentation shall also include a copy of the actual publication/software or a letter of verification documenting acceptance for publication or distribution. For grant/research proposals, documentation shall also include the title page and receipt of proposal.
(A) Scholarly Works in Peer-Reviewed Journals.
(i) Primary or second author, up to a maximum of 15 contact hours.
(ii) Other author, consultant, reviewer, or editor, up to a maximum of 5 contact hours.
(B) Grant or Research Proposals Accepted for Consideration.
(i) Principal investigator or co-principal investigator, up to a maximum of 10 contact hours.
(ii) Consultant or reviewer, up to a maximum of 4 contact hours.
(C) Books.
(i) Primary author or book editor, up to a maximum of 15 contact hours.
(ii) Second or other author, up to a maximum of 7 contact hours.
(iii) Consultant or reviewer, up to a maximum of 5 contact hours.
(D) Book Chapters or Monographs.
(i) Primary author, up to a maximum of 7 contact hours.
(ii) Second or other author, consultant, reviewer, or editor, up to a maximum of 2 contact hours.
(E) Author, Consultant, Reviewer, or Editor of other Practice Related Publications such as Newsletters, Blogs, and Trade Magazines. Up to a maximum of 2 contact hours.
(F) Developer of Practice Related or Instructional Software Designed to Advance the Professional Skills of Others (not for proprietary use). Up to a maximum of 15 contact hours.
(4) Presentations by Licensee. Documentation shall include verification of presentation and must identify the presenter by name and include the date, title, and number of hours of the presentation; the type of presentation (e.g., 2 hour poster, 3 hour workshop); the name of the authorized signer; and either the signature of the authorized signer or the official seal, letterhead, or logo of the authorized signer if an area designated for a signature is not included. Any presentation may be counted only once.
(A) Professional Presentations, e.g. in-services, workshops, institutes. Hour for hour credit. Up to a maximum of 10 contact hours.
(B) Community/Service Organization Presentations. Hour for hour credit. Up to a maximum of 10 contact hours.
(C) The development of professional presentations and community/service organization presentations may be counted toward the maximum credit available for the presentation type. Documentation shall include an attestation by the licensee of the development activities completed, including the date and duration of each. The development of any presentation may be counted only once.
(5) Supervision of Students completing an Accredited Educational Program or Re-Entry Course. Up to a maximum of 10 contact hours may be earned for student supervision per renewal period.
(A) Fieldwork Level 1 and 2 Supervision.
(i) Supervision of Level 1 Fieldwork Students. Up to a maximum of .025 contact hours may be earned for each hour of supervision provided to a student. Examples: A licensee may earn up to a maximum of 1 contact hour for 40 hours or 2 contact hours for 80 hours of supervision provided to a student.
(ii) Supervision of Level 2 Fieldwork Students.
(I) Up to a maximum of .75 contact hours may be earned for each week of supervision provided to a student. Examples: A licensee may earn up to a maximum of 6 contact hours for 8 weeks or 9 contact hours for 12 weeks of supervision provided to a student.
(II) Licensees may divide credit for a fieldwork rotation with another supervisor based on the supervision provided by each.
(iii) Documentation shall include verification provided by the school and must identify the licensee by name and include the name of the student and school; level of fieldwork; dates of fieldwork, in addition to total hours for Level 1 students; the name of the authorized signer; and either the signature of the authorized signer or the official seal, letterhead, or logo of the authorized signer if an area designated for a signature is not included. Documentation for a licensee Cont'd...