(a) Licensee Renewal. Licensees are required to renew their licenses every two years by the end of their birth month. A licensee may not provide occupational therapy services without a current license. Licenses and license expiration dates should be verified on the Board's license verification web page.
(1) General Requirements. The renewal application is not complete until the Board receives all required items. The components required for license renewal are:
(A) a complete renewal application form as prescribed by the Board verifying completion of the required continuing education, as per Chapter 367 of this title (relating to Continuing Education);
(B) the renewal fee and any late fees as set by the Executive Council that may be due;
(C) a passing score on the jurisprudence examination;
(D) the licensee's physical address, any work address, other mailing address, and email address; and
(E) a complete and legible set of fingerprints submitted in the manner prescribed by the Board for the purpose of obtaining criminal history record information from the Department of Public Safety and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The licensee is not required to submit fingerprints under this section if the license holder has previously submitted fingerprints under:
(i) Chapter 364 of this title (relating to Requirements for Licensure) for the initial issuance of the license;
(ii) Chapter 370 of this title (relating to License Renewal) as part of a prior license renewal; or
(iii) Chapter 371 of this title (relating to Inactive and Retired Status) as part of a prior license renewal or change of license status.
(2) The licensee is responsible for ensuring that the license is renewed, whether receiving a renewal notice or not.
(3) The renewal process is not complete until the Board's license verification web page reflects that the license has been renewed by displaying the new renewal date.
(4) Renewal fees and late fees are non-refundable.
(5) Licensees electing to change their status or renewing a license on inactive or retired status must meet further requirements as per Chapter 371 of this title (relating to Inactive and Retired Status).
(6) Licensees renewing a license expired one year or more must meet further requirements as per §370.3 of this title (relating to Restoration of a Texas License).
(b) Restrictions to Renewal. The Board will not renew a license if it receives information from a child support agency that a licensee has failed to pay child support under a support order for six months or more as provided by Texas Family Code §232.0135. If all other renewal requirements have been met, the license will be renewed when the child support agency notifies the Board it may renew the license.
Source Note: The provisions of this §370.1 adopted to be effective October 11, 1994, 19 TexReg 7716; amended to be effective January 1, 1996, 20 TexReg 10908; amended to be effective May 8, 1996, 21 TexReg 3715; amended to be effective November 4, 1997, 22 TexReg 10751; amended to be effective October 25, 1998, 23 TexReg 10912; amended to be effective February 12, 2001, 26 TexReg 1348; amended to be effective July 22, 2001, 26 TexReg 5442; amended to be effective October 27, 2003, 28 TexReg 9291; amended to be effective December 4, 2005, 30 TexReg 7891; amended to be effective May 31, 2007, 32 TexReg 2880; amended to be effective June 10, 2012, 37 TexReg 4069; amended to beeffective December 2, 2013, 38 TexReg 8682; amended to be effective January 1, 2016, 40 TexReg 8665; amended to be effective January 1, 2019, 43 TexReg 7913; amended to be effective December 1, 2019, 44 TexReg 6899; amended to be effective December 1, 2023, 48 TexReg 6745