(a) Restoration of a license expired one year or more to a person with a current license or occupational therapy employment:
(1) The Board may restore a license to a person whose Texas license has been expired one year or more if the person:
(A) is currently licensed in another state or territory of the U.S. and that license has not been suspended, revoked, cancelled, surrendered or otherwise restricted for any reason; or
(B) if not currently licensed in another state or territory of the U.S., is applying from the U.S. military or a non-licensing state or territory of the U.S. and can substantiate occupational therapy employment for at least two years immediately preceding application for a Texas license.
(2) The person shall meet the following requirements:
(A) submit a completed restoration application form;
(B) submit in paper or electronic form a current color photograph that meets the requirements for a U.S. passport. A photograph in electronic form must be of a high-quality resolution comparable to that of a passport photograph in paper form;
(C) submit documentation of the completion of training on human trafficking as described in §367.1 of this title (relating to Continuing Education) that meets documentation requirements as per §367.3 of this title (relating to Continuing Education Audit);
(D) submit a verification of license if the Board cannot verify the applicant's history of licensure in occupational therapy, including disciplinary action. The verification must be an original verification sent directly to the Board by the licensing board of the state or territory. Disciplinary action must be reported to the Board. If the applicant is not currently licensed in a state or territory of the U.S. and is applying from the U.S. military or a non-licensing state or territory of the U.S., a Verification of Employment form must be submitted substantiating occupational therapy employment for at least two years immediately preceding application for a Texas license;
(E) pass the jurisprudence examination;
(F) pay the restoration fee; and
(G) submit a complete and legible set of fingerprints in the manner prescribed by the Board for the purpose of obtaining criminal history record information from the Department of Public Safety and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The licensee is not required to submit fingerprints under this section if the license holder has previously submitted fingerprints under:
(i) Chapter 364 of this title (relating to Requirements for Licensure) for the initial issuance of the license;
(ii) Chapter 370 of this title (relating to License Renewal) as part of a prior license renewal; or
(iii) Chapter 371 of this title (relating to Inactive and Retired Status) as part of a prior license renewal or change of license status.
(b) Restoration of a license expired at least one year but less than two years to a person without a current license or occupational therapy employment:
(1) The Board may restore a license expired at least one year but less than two years to a person who was licensed in Texas and:
(A) is not currently licensed in another state or territory of the U.S.; or
(B) if not currently licensed in another state or territory of the U.S., is applying from the U.S. military or a non-licensing state or territory of the U.S. and cannot substantiate occupational therapy employment for at least two years immediately preceding application for a Texas license.
(2) The person shall meet the following requirements:
(A) submit a completed restoration application form;
(B) submit in paper or electronic form a current color photograph that meets the requirements for a U.S. passport. A photograph in electronic form must be of a high-quality resolution comparable to that of a passport photograph in paper form;
(C) submit copies of the completed continuing education showing 36 hours of continuing education as per Chapter 367 of this title (relating to Continuing Education) that includes training on human trafficking as described in that chapter;
(D) submit a verification of license if the Board cannot verify the applicant's history of licensure in occupational therapy, including disciplinary action. The verification must be an original verification sent directly to the Board by the licensing board of the state or territory. Disciplinary action must be reported to the Board;
(E) pass the jurisprudence examination;
(F) pay the restoration fee; and
(G) submit a complete and legible set of fingerprints in the manner prescribed by the Board for the purpose of obtaining criminal history record information from the Department of Public Safety and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The licensee is not required to submit fingerprints under this section if the license holder has previously submitted fingerprints under:
(i) Chapter 364 of this title (relating to Requirements for Licensure) for the initial issuance of the license;
(ii) Chapter 370 of this title (relating to License Renewal) as part of a prior license renewal; or
(iii) Chapter 371 of this title (relating to Inactive and Retired Status) as part of a prior license renewal or change of license status.
(c) Restoration of a license expired two years or more to a person without a current license or occupational therapy employment:
(1) The Board may restore a license expired two years or more to a person who was licensed in Texas and:
(A) is not currently licensed in another state or territory of the U.S.; or
(B) if not currently licensed in another state or territory of the U.S., is applying from the U.S. military or a non-licensing state or territory of the U.S. and cannot substantiate occupational therapy employment for at least two years immediately preceding application for a Texas license.
(2) The person shall meet the following requirements:
(A) submit a completed restoration application form;
(B) submit in paper or electronic form a current color photograph that meets the requirements for a U.S. passport. A photograph in electronic form must be of a high-quality resolution comparable to that of a passport photograph in paper form;
(C) submit documentation of the completion of training on human trafficking as described in §367.1 of this title (relating to Continuing Education) that meets documentation requirements as per §367.3 of this title (relating to Continuing Education Audit);
(D) submit a verification of license if the Board cannot verify the applicant's history of licensure in occupational therapy, including disciplinary action. The verification must be an original verification sent directly to the Board by the licensing board of the state or territory. Disciplinary action must be reported to the Board;
(E) pass the jurisprudence examination;
(F) pay the restoration fee;
(G) submit a complete and legible set of fingerprints in the manner prescribed by the Board for the purpose of obtaining criminal history record information from the Department of Public Safety and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The licensee is not required to submit fingerprints under this section if the license holder has previously submitted fingerprints under:
(i) Chapter 364 of this title (relating to Requirements for Licensure) for the initial issuance of the license;
(ii) Chapter 370 of this title (relating to License Renewal) as part of a prior license renewal; or
(iii) Chapter 371 of this title (relating to Inactive and Retired Status) as part of a prior license renewal or change of license status; and
(H) satisfy one of the following no more than two years prior to the submission of the application:
(i) complete a re-entry course through an accredited college or university and submit the certificate of completion or transcript to the Board;
(ii) obtain an advanced or post-professional occupational therapy degree, with an official transcript sent to the Board; or
(iii) take and pass the NBCOT examination for licensure purposes only (after requesting Board approval to take the examination) and have the passing score reported to the Board directly by NBCOT.
(d) The Board shall expedite the restoration of a license to a military service member, military veteran, or military spouse. To request expedited services, the military service member, military veteran, or military spouse must submit a copy of the Uniformed Services Military ID card or other appropriate official documentation evidencing current or former military affiliation and notify the Board of his or her military affiliation. In this section, "military service member," "military veteran," and "military spouse" have the meaning as defined in Chapter 55, Occupations Code, §55.001.
(e) The licensee whose license has been restored shall refer to Chapter 369 of this title for provisions regarding verification of current licensure.
(f) The restoration fee as set by the Executive Council is nonrefundable.
(g) Restoration requirements must be met within one year of the Board's receipt of the application. Restoration requirements are based on the length of time the license has been expired and whether the individual has a current license or occupational therapy employment as specified in this section at the time of the license's restoration.
Source Note: The provisions of this §370.3 adopted to be effective November 28, 2010, 35 TexReg 10235; amended to be effective January 9, 2012, 37 TexReg 69; amended to be effective June 1, 2015, 40 TexReg 3198; amended to be effective January 1, 2016, 40 TexReg 8665; amended to be effective July 1, 2016, 41 TexReg 4049; amended to be effective January 1, 2019, 43 TexReg 7913; amended to be effective September 1, 2020, 45 TexReg 5661