The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) Authorized representative--In the TANF Program, a person whom the certified group authorizes to apply for or manage the TANF benefits on behalf of the certified group but who is not included in the certified group. In SNAP, a person whom the household authorizes to apply for or manage the SNAP benefits on behalf of the household. References in this chapter to a certified group, client, or household include an authorized representative, unless the context indicates otherwise.
(2) Budgetary needs amount--In the TANF Program, a set dollar amount that represents the monthly amount needed by the certified group to pay for food, clothing, housing, utilities, and incidental expenses (which include day-to-day transportation, telephone, laundry, unreimbursed medical expenses, recreation, and household supplies).
(3) Caretaker--In the TANF Program, a person who cares for a dependent child, who meets relationship requirements in §372.108 of this chapter (relating to Relationship Requirement), whom the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) includes in the certified group, and who ordinarily receives and manages the TANF benefits for the certified group.
(4) Certified group--The person or group of relatives whose needs HHSC includes together in a TANF case.
(5) CFR--The Code of Federal Regulations.
(6) Child--A person under 18 years of age. In the TANF Program, a child also includes a person under 19 years of age as long as the person is a full-time student in a secondary school (or participant in an equivalent vocational or technical training program) and the person is reasonably expected to complete the school (or the training) before the person's 19th birthday.
(7) Choices--The TANF employment and training program administered by the Texas Workforce Commission.
(8) Client--In the TANF Program, the member of the certified group who receives benefits for the certified group. In SNAP, the member of the household who receives benefits for the household.
(9) Dependent child--In the TANF Program, a child as described in the Texas Human Resources Code, §31.002(b). The term also means a child who has been deprived of parental support because of the death, absence, or incapacity of a parent who does not have enough income or resources for a reasonable subsistence compatible with health and safety, and who is living with a caretaker.
(10) Fair market value--The amount of money an item would bring if sold in the current local market.
(11) Family--A group of relatives living together who meet the relationship requirements in §372.108 of this chapter.
(12) Federal Poverty Guidelines--The household income guidelines issued annually and published in the Federal Register by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Percentages of these guidelines are used to determine income eligibility for TANF, SNAP, and certain other public assistance programs.
(13) Household--The person or persons whose needs HHSC includes in a SNAP case for benefits. In the TANF Program, the family members who live together.
(14) Parent--A mother or father, as established through biological relationship or legal process.
(15) Payee--In the TANF Program, a person who receives and manages the TANF benefits for a certified group and who otherwise qualifies as a caretaker, except HHSC does not include the person in the certified group. HHSC designates a payee when no one in the household qualifies or wants to be caretaker.
(16) Personal Responsibility Agreement (PRA)--In the TANF Program, a written agreement that defines the responsibilities of participants.
(17) Protective payee--In the TANF Program, a person whom HHSC selects to receive and manage benefits for the certified group instead of the caretaker. HHSC may designate a protective payee whenever HHSC determines that the caretaker has failed to comply with one or more program requirements.
(18) Recognizable needs amount--In the TANF Program, a set dollar amount that is 25% of the budgetary needs amount for the certified group.
(19) Representative payee--In the TANF Program, a person designated to receive and manage the household's benefits for a client who is incapacitated or incompetent.
(20) Sibling--A brother, sister, half brother, or half sister, as established by biological relationship or legal process. A sibling does not include a stepbrother or stepsister.
(21) SNAP--Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program.
(22) TANF--Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
(23) TANF Non-Cash Program--A component of the TANF Program providing TANF-funded services relating to matters such as education, employment, and the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, but that does not provide benefits (for example, cash assistance).
(24) TANF Program--A program providing temporary benefits (cash assistance) and work opportunities to families with needy dependent children. References in this chapter to the TANF Program also include the TANF State Program (TANF-SP), unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(25) TANF State Program (TANF-SP)--The state-created and state-funded program that is the same as the TANF Program, except limited to certain Texas counties and two-parent households. References in this chapter to TANF include TANF-SP, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(26) Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)--The state agency that administers the TANF Program and SNAP in Texas.
(27) Texas Works Handbook --An HHSC manual containing policies and procedures used to determine eligibility for SNAP, TANF, and Medicaid programs for children and families. The Texas Works Handbook is found on the Internet at
(28) U.S.--The United States of America.
(29) U.S.C.--United States Code.
Source Note: The provisions of this §372.2 adopted to be effective September 1, 2009, 34 TexReg 5361