(a) In the TANF Program, the countable resources limit is $1,000.
(b) Unless a resource is excluded under subsection (c) of this section, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) counts the resources of:
(1) the members of the certified group;
(2) each parent of a child in the certified group living in the household and ineligible or disqualified from receiving TANF benefits;
(3) each sibling of a dependent child in the certified group living in the household and disqualified from receiving TANF benefits; and
(4) the sponsors and the sponsors' spouses, for a household containing a sponsored alien.
(c) HHSC excludes the following resources:
(1) the value of one prepaid burial insurance policy or prepaid funeral plan per household member;
(2) one burial plot per household member;
(3) crime victim compensation funds;
(4) earned income tax credit payments to applicants the month of receipt and the following month, and to recipients the month of receipt and the following 11 months;
(5) the homestead and surrounding real property, including:
(A) any structure, including a houseboat or a motor home, the household uses as its residence;
(B) surrounding real property divided by a public right-of-way (such as a street or road) but not divided by real property owned by others; and
(C) the homestead if it is temporarily unoccupied due to employment, training for future employment, illness, casualty, or natural disaster, as long as the household intends to return;
(6) resources HHSC determines are not accessible to the household, including:
(A) jointly owned property as described for SNAP in 7 CFR §273.8(d); and
(B) trust funds as described for SNAP in 7 CFR §273.8(e)(8);
(7) business property, including property retained for income-producing business purposes;
(8) vehicles used to transport a disabled household member and property used to maintain such vehicles;
(9) the cash value of all life insurance policies;
(10) funds from the earned income of a child as described in §372.404(2) of this subchapter (relating to Countable and Excluded Income in TANF);
(11) personal possessions HHSC determines are essential for daily living, such as clothing, jewelry, furniture, livestock, and farm equipment;
(12) funds from a reimbursement intended for and actually used in the month of receipt to repair or replace a lost or damaged resource excluded under this section, but HHSC counts the funds from such a reimbursement, beginning in the month after receipt, to the extent the funds were not used as intended to repair or replace the lost or damaged resource;
(13) federal, state, or local government payments provided to rebuild a home or replace personal possessions damaged in a disaster, including payments under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. §5121, et seq.), if the recipient is subject to legal sanction if the payment is not used as intended;
(14) any resource federal law excludes;
(15) funds in a retirement account excluded under 7 U.S.C. §2014(g);
(16) funds in an education account excluded under 7 U.S.C. §2014(g);
(17) loans, if the circumstances satisfy HHSC that there exists an understanding the money will be repaid, and the applicant or recipient reasonably explains to HHSC how the money will be repaid;
(18) funds from educational assistance payments (but only during the quarter, semester, or applicable period the payment is intended to cover);
(19) the value of real property the household is making a good faith effort to sell at a reasonable price;
(20) funds excluded under §372.355(d) of this division (relating to Treatment of Resources in SNAP);
(21) funds excluded under §372.404(25) of this subchapter;
(22) the fair market value of one automobile up to $4,650; and
(23) funds held in a school-based account or bond as described by §28.0024 of the Texas Education Code and authorized by §31.0039 of the Texas Human Resources Code.
Source Note: The provisions of this §372.354 adopted to be effective September 1, 2009, 34 TexReg 5361; amended to be effective November 20, 2016, 41 TexReg 9009; amended to be effective February 26, 2023, 48 TexReg 837