(a) Except as noted in §372.654 of this chapter (relating to SNAP-CAP Certification Process), the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) requires an interview to determine eligibility for:
(1) TANF and SNAP applicants;
(2) TANF recipients at the periodic eligibility review; and
(3) SNAP recipients at recertification.
(b) HHSC conducts the interview with applicants and recipients face-to-face if:
(1) the applicant or recipient requests a face-to-face interview;
(2) a member of the household is currently disqualified from TANF or SNAP because of an intentional program violation, unless the household proves to HHSC's satisfaction that the interview requirement is a hardship as described in subsection (c)(2) of this section;
(3) HHSC is unable to reach the applicant or recipient by telephone.
(c) Unless the applicant or recipient requests a face-to-face interview, HHSC conducts the interview with the applicant or recipient by telephone if the household provides HHSC a contact telephone number and:
(1) all adult members of the household are elderly or disabled and have no earned income;
(2) a hardship as determined by HHSC (such as illness, prolonged severe weather, transportation difficulties, or conflict with a work or training schedule) prevents a face-to-face interview in the office;
(3) the applicant resides in a shelter for battered women and would be in danger if she left the center; or
(4) HHSC chooses to conduct the interview by telephone.
Source Note: The provisions of this §372.951 adopted to be effective September 1, 2009, 34 TexReg 5361