(a) Applicants shall use notice text provided and approved by the agency. The executive director may approve changes to notice text before notice being given.
(b) When Notice of Receipt of Application and Intent to Obtain Permit by publication or by mail is required by Subchapters H and K of this chapter (relating to Applicability and General Provisions and Public Notice of Air Quality Permit Applications) for air quality permit applications, those applications are subject to subsections (e) - (h) of this section. When notice of receipt of application and intent to obtain permit by publication or by mail is required by Subchapters H - J and L of this chapter (relating to Applicability and General Provisions, Public Notice of Solid Waste Applications, Public Notice of Water Quality Applications and Water Quality Management Plans, and Public Notice of Injection Well and Other Specific Applications), Subchapter G of this chapter (relating to Public Notice for Applications for Consolidated Permits), or for Subchapter M of this chapter (relating to Public Notice for Radioactive Material Licenses), the text of the notice must include the following information:
(1) the name and address of the agency and the telephone number of an agency contact from whom interested persons may obtain further information;
(2) the name, address, and telephone number of the applicant and a description of the manner in which a person may contact the applicant for further information;
(3) a brief description of the location and nature of the proposed activity;
(4) a brief description of public comment procedures, including:
(A) a statement that the executive director will respond to comments raising issues that are relevant and material or otherwise significant; and
(B) a statement in the notice for any permit application for which there is an opportunity for a contested case hearing, that only disputed factual issues that are relevant and material to the commission's decision that are raised during the comment period can be considered if a contested case hearing is granted;
(5) a brief description of procedures by which the public may participate in the final permit decision and, if applicable, how to request a public meeting, contested case hearing, reconsideration of the executive director's decision, a notice and comment hearing, or a statement that later notice will describe procedures for public participation, printed in a font style or size that clearly provides emphasis and distinguishes it from the remainder of the notice. The notice should include a statement that a public meeting will be held by the executive director if requested by a member of the legislature who represents the general area where the facility is to be located or there is substantial public interest in the proposed activity;
(6) the application or permit number;
(7) if applicable, a statement that the application or requested action is subject to the Coastal Management Program and must be consistent with the Coastal Management Program goals and policies;
(8) the location, at a public place in the county in which the facility is located or proposed to be located, at which a copy of the application is available for review and copying;
(9) a description of the procedure by which a person may be placed on a mailing list in order to receive additional information about the application;
(10) for notices of municipal solid waste applications, a statement that a person who may be affected by the facility or proposed facility is entitled to request a contested case hearing from the commission. This statement must be printed in a font style or size that clearly provides emphasis and distinguishes it from the remainder of the notice; and
(11) any additional information required by the executive director or needed to satisfy public notice requirements of any federally authorized program; or
(12) for radioactive material licenses under Chapter 336 of this title (relating to Radioactive Substance Rules), if applicable, a statement that a written environmental analysis on the application has been prepared by the executive director, is available to the public for review, and that written comments may be submitted; and
(13) for Class 3 modifications of hazardous industrial solid waste permits, the statement "The permittee's compliance history during the life of the permit being modified is available from the agency contact person."
(c) Unless mailed notice is otherwise provided for under this section, the chief clerk shall mail Notice of Application and Preliminary Decision to those listed in §39.413 of this title (relating to Mailed Notice). When notice of application and preliminary decision by publication or by mail is required by Subchapters G - J and L of this chapter, the text of the notice must include the following information:
(1) the information required by subsection (b)(1) - (11) of this section;
(2) a brief description of public comment procedures, including a description of the manner in which comments regarding the executive director's preliminary decision may be submitted, or a statement in the notice for any permit application for which there is an opportunity for contested case hearing, that only relevant and material issues raised during the comment period can be considered if a contested case hearing is granted. The public comment procedures must be printed in a font style or size that clearly provides emphasis and distinguishes it from the remainder of the notice;
(3) if the application is subject to final approval by the executive director under Chapter 50 of this title (relating to Action on Applications and Other Authorizations), a statement that the executive director may issue final approval of the application unless a timely contested case hearing request or a timely request for reconsideration (if applicable) is filed with the chief clerk after transmittal of the executive director's decision and response to public comment;
(4) a summary of the executive director's preliminary decision and whether the executive director has prepared a draft permit;
(5) the location, at a public place in the county in which the facility is located or proposed to be located, at which a copy of the complete application and the executive director's preliminary decision are available for review and copying;
(6) the deadline to file comments or request a public meeting. The notice should include a statement that a public meeting will be held by the executive director if requested by a member of the legislature who represents the general area where the facility is to be located or there is substantial public interest in the proposed activity; and
(7) for radioactive material licenses under Chapter 336 of this title, if applicable, a statement that a written environmental analysis on the application has been prepared by the executive director, is available to the public for review, and that written comments may be submitted.
(d) When notice of a public meeting or notice of a hearing by publication or by mail is required by Subchapters G - J and L of this chapter, the text of the notice must include the following information:
(1) the information required by subsection (b)(1) - (3), (6) - (8), and (11) of this section;
(2) the date, time, and place of the meeting or hearing, and a brief description of the nature and purpose of the meeting or hearing, including the applicable rules and procedures; and
(3) for notices of public meetings only, a brief description of public comment procedures, including a description of the manner in which comments regarding the executive director's preliminary decision may be submitted and a statement in the notice for any permit application for which there is an opportunity for contested case hearing, that only relevant and material issues raised during the comment period can be considered if a contested case hearing is granted.
(e) When Notice of Receipt of Application and Intent to Obtain Permit by publication or by mail is required by Subchapters H and K of this chapter for air quality permit applications, the text of the notice must include the information in this subsection:
(1) the name and address of the agency and the telephone number of an agency contact from whom interested persons may obtain further information;
(2) the name, address, and telephone number of the applicant and a description of the manner in which a person may contact the applicant for further information;
(3) a brief description of the location and nature of the proposed activity;
(4) a brief description of public comment procedures, including:
(A) a statement that the executive director will respond to: