Art. 4005. FREE PASSES PROHIBITED. No steam or electric railway company, street railway company, interurban railway company or other chartered transportation company, express company, sleeping car company, telegraph company, telephone company or person or association of persons operating the same, nor any receiver or lessee thereof, nor any officer, agent or employee or receiver of any such company in this State shall knowingly haul or carry any property free of charge, or give or grant to any person, firm or association of persons a free pass, frank, privilege or substitute for pay or a subterfuge which is used or which is given to be used instead of the regular fare or rate of transportation or any authority or permit whatsoever to travel or to pass or convey or transport any person or property free, nor sell any transportation for anything except money, or for any greater or less rate than is charged all persons under the same conditions, over any railway or transportation lines or part of line in this State; or shall knowingly permit any person to transmit any message free in this State; or shall give any frank or right or privilege to transmit any message free in this State or property free of charge or for greater or less fare or rate than is charged other persons in this State for similar service, except as hereinafter provided in this title.