Art. 4015a. UNLAWFULLY USING FREE PASS. Any person, other than the persons excepted by law, who uses such free ticket, free pass or free transportation, frank or privilege over any railway or other transportation line or sleeping or express car, telegraph or telephone line mentioned in the preceding articles of this chapter, for any distance under the control and operation of either of said companies or under their authority, or shall knowingly or wilfully by any means or device whatsoever obtain, use or enjoy from any such company a less fare or rate than is charged, demanded, collected or received by any such company from any other person, firm, association of persons or corporations for doing for him, them or it, a like service, if the transportation or service is of a like kind of traffic or service under substantially similar circumstances and conditions, such person or such officer or agent who acts for such corporation or company thus favored, shall be fined not less than one hundred nor more than one thousand dollars.
Acts 1907, p. 96.