Sec. 41.157. TRUE-UP. (a) A financing order shall be reviewed and adjusted promptly if after its adoption there are additional charges, reductions, or refunds of extraordinary costs and expenses, to:
(1) ensure that there is not an over-collection or an under-collection of extraordinary costs and expenses; and
(2) ensure that collections on the securitized property will be sufficient to timely make all periodic and final payments of principal, interest, fees, and other amounts and to timely fund all reserve accounts, if any, related to the securitized bonds.
(b) A financing order shall also include a mechanism requiring that securitized charges be reviewed by the board and adjusted at least annually, not later than the 45th day after the anniversary date of the issuance of the securitized bonds, to:
(1) correct over-collections or under-collections of the preceding 12 months; and
(2) ensure the expected recovery of amounts sufficient to timely provide all payments of debt service and other required amounts and charges in connection with the securitized bonds.
(c) The electric cooperatives that are members of a generation and transmission cooperative may include in their financing orders the ability to allocate any true-up amounts over the retail customers of all electric cooperatives that are members of the same generation and transmission cooperative.
(d) In a combined securitization transaction, each generation and transmission cooperative may calculate all adjustments and determinations relevant to each true-up by each electric cooperative member of the generation and transmission cooperative participating in the securitization transaction, with the adjustments being allocated across the electric cooperatives in the manner agreed to by all of the participating electric cooperatives under their financing orders.
(e) A governmental authority may not disapprove of or alter any adjustments made or proposed to be made under this subchapter other than to correct computation or other manifest errors.
Added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. 950 (S.B. 1580), Sec. 1, eff. June 18, 2021.