
Sec. 413.05115. Medical Quality Review Process.

Sec. 413.05115. MEDICAL QUALITY REVIEW PROCESS. (a) The division shall develop, and the commissioner shall adopt, criteria concerning the medical case review process under this subchapter. In developing the criteria, and before adopting the criteria, the division and the commissioner, as applicable, must consult with the medical advisor and seek input from potentially affected parties, including health care providers and insurance carriers.

(b) The criteria developed and adopted under this section must establish a clear process or processes:

(1) for handling complaint-based medical case reviews; and

(2) through which the division selects health care providers or other entities for a compliance audit or review.

(c) The division shall make the criteria developed and adopted under this section available on the Internet website maintained by the division.

Added by Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. 1162 (H.B. 2605), Sec. 24, eff. September 1, 2011.

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