(a) A permit for an off-lease centralized commercial solid oil and gas waste recycling facility issued pursuant to this division shall contain requirements the Commission determines to be reasonably necessary to ensure that:
(1) only wastes and other materials authorized by the permit are received at the facility, including requirements that the permittee test incoming oil and gas waste and keep records of amounts and sources of incoming wastes; and
(2) the processing operation and resulting recyclable product meet the environmental and engineering standards established in the permit.
(b) A permit for an off-lease centralized commercial solid oil and gas waste recycling facility issued under this division may require the permittee to perform a trial run in accordance with the following procedure.
(1) The permittee shall notify the Commission district office for the county in which the facility is located prior to commencement of the trial run.
(2) The permittee shall sample and analyze the partially treated waste that results from the trial run, and submit to the director for review a report of the results of the trial run prior to commencing operations.
(3) The director shall approve the trial run if the report demonstrates that the recyclable product meets or exceeds the environmental and engineering standards established in the permit.
(4) The permittee shall not use the recyclable product until the director approves the trial run report.
(c) A permit for an off-lease centralized commercial solid oil and gas waste recycling facility issued pursuant to this division shall include any requirements, including limits on the volumes of oil and gas waste, partially treated waste, and recyclable product stored at the facility, that the Commission determines to be reasonably necessary to ensure that the permittee does not speculatively accumulate oil and gas waste, partially treated waste, and/or recyclable product at the facility without actually processing the oil and gas waste and putting the recyclable product to legitimate commercial use.
Source Note: The provisions of this §4.242 adopted to be effective April 15, 2013, 38 TexReg 2334