(a) House Bill 2190, 88th Legislature, 2023 (HB 2190) replaced the term "accident" with "collision" in Insurance Code §1952.155, concerning Benefits Payable Without Regard to Fault or Collateral Source; Effect on Subrogation, and §1954.056(b), concerning Financial Responsibility. However, the transition provision in Section 142 of HB 2190 states that these changes to the law are nonsubstantive and are intended to clarify rather than change existing law.
(b) Consistent with the transition provision in Section 142 of HB 2190, the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) interprets the term "collision" when used in Insurance Code §1952.155 and §1954.056(b) as having the same meaning that "accident" had before passage of HB 2190 and as having no impact on rules adopted pursuant to Insurance Code §1952.155 and §1954.056(b) or forms filed for approval with TDI under those Insurance Code sections and rules before HB 2190.
(c) Because the transition provision in Section 142 of HB 2190 says the changes are nonsubstantive, they do not impact the rules in this subchapter.
Source Note: The provisions of this §5.208 adopted to be effective June 19, 2024, 49 TexReg 4431