The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings:
(1) Biological control--The use of specialized insects from the native home of Carrizo cane biomass above ground.
(2) Border security priority area--A geographic area delineated by the State Board that may receive an allocation of funding under the Carrizo Cane Eradication Program.
(3) Carrizo cane--Arundo donax, giant cane, is a tall perennial cane, one of several so-called reed species. Its other common names include Carrizo, Arundo, Spanish cane, Colorado river reed, wild cane, and giant reed.
(4) Carrizo Cane Eradication Program--The Program codified in Section 201.0225, Agriculture Code, directing the State Board to develop and implement a program to eradicate Carrizo cane along the Rio Grande River, added by Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. 431 (S.B. 1734), Sec. 1, effective June 10, 2015.
(5) Conservation plan--A combination of conservation land improvement measure(s) approved by the State Board and applied to the land to control soil erosion or improve the quality and/or quantity of water.
(6) Fiscal year--The 12-month period of time beginning September 1 of a year and ending on August 31 of the following year.
(7) Follow-up treatment--The act of repeating a previously used treatment method, or additional approved methods, on the same lands in order maintain or improve Carrizo cane control in a priority area.
(8) Herbicides--Chemical substances, also commonly known as weed killers, that are used to control unwanted plants.
(9) Label--A label attached to the packaging of an herbicide product that provides instructions for storage and disposal, use of the product, and precautions for the user and the environment.
(10) Mechanical control--Any method not defined as biological or through the use of herbicides to control Carrizo cane, to include mowing, shredding, hand cutting, or any similar means.
(11) Rio Grande River--The river that delineates the international boundary between the United States and the United Mexican States (Mexico) within the jurisdiction of the State of Texas.
(12) Soil and water conservation district (SWCD)--A governmental subdivision of this state and a public body corporate and politic, organized pursuant to Chapter 201 of the Agriculture Code.
(13) Texas Department of Public Safety--A department of the government of the State of Texas responsible for statewide law enforcement and vehicle regulation.
(14) Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (State Board)--The state agency organized pursuant to Chapter 201 of the Agriculture Code.
Source Note: The provisions of this §530.2 adopted to be effective April 18, 2018, 43 TexReg 2283