(a) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) Calendar month--The period from the first day through the last day of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, or December.
(2) Classified position--A position included in the position classification plan in the General Appropriations Act, Article IX.
(3) Correctional officer--An employee in a job class designated by TDCJ as a correctional officer holding a hazardous duty position.
(4) Day--The 24 consecutive hour period beginning at 12:00 midnight and ending at 11:59 p.m.
(5) Full-time state employee--Has the meaning assigned by Government Code, §659.301(1).
(6) Hazardous duty position--A position in the service of the state that:
(A) renders any individual holding that position a "state employee," as defined in paragraph (11) of this subsection; or
(B) requires the performance of hazardous duty.
(7) Lifetime service credit--The number of months that an individual has served in a hazardous duty position during the individual's lifetime.
(8) Part-time state employee--Has the meaning assigned by Government Code, §659.301(4).
(9) Regular hours--The number of hours an individual actually works during a month.
(10) Standard hours--The total number of hours that an individual would work during a month if the individual worked exactly eight hours during each workday of that month.
(11) State employee--An individual who is a state employee under subsection (b)(1)(A) or (b)(2)(A) of this section.
(12) TABC--The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission.
(13) TDCJ--The Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
(14) TJJD--The Texas Juvenile Justice Department.
(15) TPWD--The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
(16) Type 1 grandfathered employee--A state employee whose compensation for services provided to the state during any month before August 1987, included hazardous duty pay that was based on total state service performed before May 29, 1987.
(17) Type 2 grandfathered employee--An individual who is entitled to receive hazardous duty pay under subsection (g) of this section.
(18) Workday--Has the meaning assigned by Government Code, §659.301(6).
(b) Receiving hazardous duty pay.
(1) Individuals not employed by TJJD.
(A) In this paragraph, "state employee" has the meaning assigned by Government Code, §659.301(5).
(B) Hazardous duty pay may not be paid to an individual who does not satisfy both of the criteria in Government Code, §659.302(a), except as provided in subsection (g) of this section, concerning type 2 grandfathered employees.
(C) An individual's ceasing to be a state employee sometime during a month does not affect the individual's hazardous duty pay entitlement for that month. The full amount of hazardous duty pay must be paid to the individual.
(D) For purposes of Government Code, §659.302(a)(2), the 12 months of lifetime service credit are not required to be 12 continuous months.
(E) This paragraph does not apply to an individual employed by TJJD.
(2) Individuals employed by TJJD.
(A) In this paragraph, "state employee" means an individual who:
(i) has routine direct contact with youth:
(I) placed in a residential facility of TJJD; or
(II) released under TJJD's supervision; or
(ii) is an investigator, inspector general, security officer, or apprehension specialist employed by TJJD's office of the inspector general.
(B) Except as provided in Government Code, §659.303, TJJD may include hazardous duty pay in the compensation paid to an individual for services rendered during a month if the individual:
(i) is a state employee for any portion of the first workday of the month; and
(ii) has completed at least 12 months of lifetime service credit not later than the last day of the preceding month.
(C) Hazardous duty pay may not be paid to an individual who does not satisfy both of the criteria in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph.
(D) An individual's ceasing to be a state employee sometime during a month does not affect the individual's hazardous duty pay eligibility for that month.
(E) For purposes of subparagraph (B)(ii) of this paragraph, the 12 months of lifetime service credit are not required to be 12 continuous months.
(F) This paragraph applies only to an individual employed by TJJD.
(c) Amount of hazardous duty pay.
(1) Monthly amount for individuals employed by TJJD.
(A) The amount of hazardous duty pay that TJJD pays monthly to a full-time state employee must be expressed in terms of a specific dollar amount for each 12-month period of lifetime service credit and, for type 1 grandfathered employees, for each 12-month period of state service credit. The amount must be the same for each type of service credit.
(B) The amount of hazardous duty pay that TJJD pays monthly to a full-time state employee may not exceed $10 for each 12-month period of lifetime service credit accrued by the employee.
(C) In this paragraph, "state employee" has the meaning assigned by subsection (b)(2)(A) of this section.
(D) This paragraph applies only to an individual employed by TJJD.
(2) Part-time state employees.
(A) The amount of a part-time state employee's hazardous duty pay is equal to the product of:
(i) the amount of hazardous duty pay that the employee would receive if the employee were a full-time state employee; and
(ii) a quotient:
(I) the numerator of which is equal to the number of hours the employee normally works each week, not to exceed 40; and
(II) the denominator of which is equal to 40.
(B) For purposes of subparagraph (A)(ii)(I) of this paragraph, the number of hours that a part-time state employee normally works each week during a particular month is equal to the number of hours that the employee is scheduled to work each week as of the first workday of that month.
(3) Hourly state employees. The amount of an hourly state employee's hazardous duty pay for a particular month is equal to the product of:
(A) the amount of hazardous duty pay that the employee would receive if the employee were a full-time state employee; and
(B) a quotient:
(i) the numerator of which is equal to the number of regular hours for the employee for that month, not to exceed the number of standard hours for that month; and
(ii) the denominator of which is equal to the number of standard hours for that month.
(4) Correctional officers of TDCJ.
(A) The amount of hazardous duty pay for a particular month for a full-time correctional officer employed by TDCJ is the lesser of:
(i) $12 for each 12-month period of lifetime service credit accrued by the employee; or
(ii) $300.
(B) The amount of hazardous duty pay that TDCJ pays a part-time correctional officer is equal to the product of:
(i) the amount of hazardous duty pay that the employee would receive if the employee were a full-time correctional officer; and
(ii) a quotient:
(I) the numerator of which is equal to the number of hours the employee normally works each week, not to exceed 40; and
(II) the denominator of which is equal to 40.
(C) The amount of hazardous duty pay that TDCJ pays an hourly correctional officer is equal to the product of:
(i) the amount of hazardous duty pay that the employee would receive if the employee were a full-time correctional officer; and
(ii) a quotient:
(I) the numerator of which is equal to the number of regular hours for the employee for that month, not to exceed the number of standard hours for that month; and
(II) the denominator of which is equal to the number of standard hours for that month.
(d) Timing for payment of hazardous duty pay.
(1) Employees paid once each month.
(A) This paragraph applies to a state employee only if the employee is normally paid once each month.