The following words and terms when used in this division will have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) Association--Texas Windstorm Insurance Association.
(2) Association program--The funding of any or all of the purposes authorized to be funded with the public securities under Insurance Code Chapter 2210, Subchapter M.
(3) Association surcharge--Premium surcharges on policyholders of association policies under Insurance Code §§2210.612, 2210.613, or 2210.6131.
(4) Association surcharge percentage--The percentage amount determined by the Commissioner under §5.4126(c) or (d) of this title (relating to Determination of the Association Surcharge Percentage).
(5) Authorized representative of the department--Any officer or employee of the department empowered to execute instructions and take other necessary actions on behalf of the department as designated in writing by the Commissioner.
(6) Authorized representative of the trust company--Any officer or employee of the comptroller or the trust company who is designated in writing by the comptroller as an authorized representative.
(7) Budgeted operating expenses--All operating expenses as budgeted for and approved by the association's board of directors, excluding expenses related to catastrophic losses.
(8) Catastrophe area--A municipality, a part of a municipality, a county, or a part of a county designated by the Commissioner under Insurance Code §2210.005.
(9) CRTF--Catastrophe Reserve Trust Fund. A statutorily created trust fund established with the trust company under Insurance Code Chapter 2210, Subchapter J.
(10) Catastrophic event--An occurrence or a series of occurrences in a catastrophe area during a calendar year resulting in insured losses and operating expenses of the association in excess of premium and other revenue of the association.
(11) Catastrophic losses--Losses resulting from a catastrophic event.
(12) Class 1 payment obligation--The contractual amount of net premium and other revenue and association surcharges that the association must deposit in the class 1 public security trust fund at specified periods for the payment of class 1 public security obligations, public security administrative expenses, and contractual coverage amount as required by class 1 public security agreements.
(13) Class 2 payment obligation--The contractual amount of net premium and other revenue and either association surcharges or contingent surcharges that the association must deposit in the class 2 public security trust fund, or in the case of contingent surcharges, the premium surcharge trust fund, at specified periods for the payment of class 2 public security obligations, public security administrative expenses, and contractual coverage amount as required by class 2 public security agreements.
(14) Class 3 payment obligation--The contractual amount of net premium and other revenue and either association surcharges or contingent surcharges that the association must deposit in the class 3 public security trust fund, or in the case of contingent surcharges, the premium surcharge trust fund, at specified periods for the payment of class 3 public security obligations, public security administrative expenses, and contractual coverage amount as required by class 3 public security agreements.
(15) Class 1 public securities--A debt instrument or other public security that TPFA may issue as authorized under Insurance Code §2210.072 and Insurance Code Chapter 2210, Subchapter M.
(16) Class 2 public securities--A debt instrument or other public security that TPFA may issue as authorized under Insurance Code §2210.073 and Insurance Code Chapter 2210, Subchapter M.
(17) Class 3 public securities--A debt instrument or other public security that TPFA may issue as authorized under Insurance Code §2210.0741 and Insurance Code Chapter 2210, Subchapter M.
(18) Commercial paper notes--A debt instrument that the association may issue as a financing arrangement or that TPFA may issue as any class of public security.
(19) Commissioner--The Commissioner of Insurance.
(20) Comptroller--The Comptroller of the State of Texas.
(21) Contingent surcharge--Premium surcharges on policyholders of policies that cover insured property that is located in a catastrophe area and that may be necessary as provided under Insurance Code §2210.6132.
(22) Contractual coverage amount--Minimum amount over scheduled debt service that the association is required to deposit in the applicable public security trust fund or premium surcharge trust fund, as security for the payment of debt service on the public securities, administrative expenses on public securities, or other payments the association must pay in connection with public securities.
(23) Credit agreement--An agreement described by Government Code Chapter 1371 that TPFA may enter into as authorized under Insurance Code Chapter 2210, Subchapter M.
(24) Department--The Texas Department of Insurance.
(25) Earned premium--That portion of gross premium that the association has earned because of the portion of time during which the insurance policy has been in effect.
(26) Financing arrangement--An agreement between the association and any market source under which the market source makes interest-bearing loans or provides other financial instruments to the association to enable the association to pay losses or obtain public securities under Insurance Code §2210.072.
(27) Gross premium--The amount of premium the association receives, less premium returned to policyholders for canceled or reduced policies.
(28) Insured property--Real property, or tangible or intangible personal property including automobiles, covered under an insurance policy issued by an insurer. Insured property includes motorcycles, recreational vehicles, and all other vehicles eligible for coverage under a private passenger automobile or commercial automobile policy.
(29) Investment income--Income from the investment of funds.
(30) Letter of instruction--The Commissioner's or authorized department representative's signed written authorization and direction to an authorized representative of the trust company.
(31) Losses--Amounts paid or expected to be paid on association insurance policy claims, including adjustment expenses, litigation expenses, other claims expenses, and other amounts that are incurred in resolving a claim for indemnification under an association insurance policy.
(32) Net gain from operations--Net income reported during a calendar year equal to the amount of all earned premium, other revenue of the association, and distributions of excess net premium and other revenue from the class 1, class 2, and class 3 public security trust funds that are in excess of: current catastrophe year incurred losses; operating expenses; reinsurance premium not paid or payable from member assessments; current year financial arrangement obligations; current year net premium payment obligations; and current year public security administrative expenses.
(33) Net investment income--Investment income less associated fees and expenses charged by the trust company, or others, for managing or investing the assets.
(34) Net premium--Gross premium less unearned premium.
(35) Net premium payment obligations--Public security obligations that are paid in whole or in part from net premium and other revenue for public securities repayable under Insurance Code §§2210.612, 2210.613, and 2210.6131. The term does not include public security obligations or the portion of public security obligations that are paid from association surcharges.
(36) Net revenues--Net premium plus other revenue, less scheduled policy claims, less budgeted operating expenses, less net premium payment obligations for that calendar year, less amounts necessary to fund or replenish any reserve fund required by a public security agreement.
(37) One-in-100-year probable maximum loss--The minimum funding level required by Insurance Code §2210.453(b).
(38) Operating reserve fund--Association or trust company held fund for the payment of budgeted scheduled policy claims and budgeted operating expenses.
(39) Other revenue--Revenue of the association from any source other than premium. Other revenue includes net investment income on association assets. Other revenue does not include premium surcharges collected under Insurance Code §§2210.259, 2210.612, 2210.613, 2210.6131, or 2210.6132 or member assessments collected under Insurance Code §§2210.0725, 2210.074, 2210.0742, or 2210.453 and interest income on those amounts. For the purpose of Insurance Code Section 2210.071, other revenue does not include investment income on any trust company Cont'd...