(a) Establishment. The Texas Department of Insurance (department) establishes the Coastal Outreach and Assistance Services Team (COAST) Program to provide information and educational programs to assist persons insured under Chapter 2210 of the Insurance Code with the claim processes prescribed under Subchapter L-1, Chapter 2210 of the Insurance Code.
(b) Administration. The COAST Program is administratively attached to the department and will be administered by the department.
(c) Staffing. The COAST Program will include an ombudsman familiar with the claim processes prescribed under Subchapter L-1, Chapter 2210, of the Insurance Code, as well as sufficient staff to support its purpose. If a catastrophic event occurs, the COAST Program may expand as necessary to support the increased number of policyholders requiring assistance.
(d) Funding. The COAST Program will be funded by the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (the Association).
(1) Annual budget.
(A) The funding year shall be from May 1 of each year to April 30 of the following year.
(B) Not later than March 1 of each year, the department shall prepare and submit to the Commissioner of Insurance (commissioner) a budget for the COAST Program, including approval of all expenditures incurred to administer and operate the COAST Program. The department may include ongoing ombudsman activities related to a prior catastrophic event in the annual budget request. The commissioner will adopt or modify and adopt the budget not later than April 1 of each year.
(C) Not later than May 1 of each year, the Association shall transfer the budgeted amount adopted by the commissioner to the department for the COAST Program.
(2) Amended budget.
(A) Not later than 60 days after a catastrophic event, the department shall:
(i) prepare and submit an amended budget to the commissioner for approval, including staffing requirements and expenditures necessary to administer and operate the COAST Program; and
(ii) report to the commissioner the number of claimants eligible for COAST Program services.
(B) The commissioner may modify the amended budget before adopting it.
(C) Within 30 days after the commissioner adopts the amended budget, the Association must transfer the additional money required by the amended budget to the department for the COAST Program.
(3) Return of unexpended funds. Not later than April 30 of each year, the department must return to the Association any unexpended funds that the COAST Program received from the Association in the previous year.
(e) Services.
(1) The COAST Program may provide to persons insured under Chapter 2210 of the Insurance Code information and educational programs through means the COAST Program determines to be necessary and appropriate. Possible means include:
(A) informational materials;
(B) toll-free telephone numbers;
(C) public meetings;
(D) outreach centers;
(E) the Internet; and
(F) other reasonable means.
(2) The COAST Program shall prepare and make available to each person insured under Chapter 2210 of the Insurance Code information describing the functions of the COAST Program.
(f) Notice Requirement. The Association must provide each person insured by the Association on or after November 27, 2011, notice of the operation of the COAST Program. The Association shall fulfill this requirement by complying with paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of this subsection.
(1) The Association must include the notices set forth in subsection (g)(1) and (2) of this section with each policy delivered, issued for delivery, renewed, or otherwise processed by the Association. Notwithstanding §1.601(a)(3) of this title (relating to Notice of Toll-Free Telephone Numbers and Information and Complaint Procedures), the Association must fulfill this requirement by printing the notice on a separate piece of paper to be included with the policy or by incorporating the notice into the Important Notice required to be attached to the policy under §1.601 of this title.
(2) The Association must include the notice set forth in subsection (g)(1) of this section with each written communication acknowledging receipt of a claim. The Association must fulfill this requirement by printing the notice on a separate piece of paper to be included with the communication acknowledging receipt of a claim or by incorporating the notice into the acknowledgement.
(3) The Association must include the notice set forth in subsection (g)(1) of this section with each written communication accepting or denying coverage of a claim, in whole or in part, that is required to be provided to the claimant under the Insurance Code §2210.573(d). The Association must fulfill this requirement by printing the notice on a separate piece of paper to be included with the acceptance or denial communication or by incorporating the notice into the acceptance or denial document.
(g) Notice. The notice required by subsection (f) of this section must include the following text and be in at least 10 point type.
(1) "The Texas Department of Insurance has established the Coastal Outreach and Assistance Services Team (COAST) Program to assist consumers with understanding the TWIA claim process. To obtain assistance from the COAST Program, please refer to the COAST Program website at www.tdi.texas.gov/COAST; email ConsumerProtection@tdi.state.tx.us; call toll-free 1-855-352-6278; or write to COAST Program - MC 111-1A, Texas Department of Insurance, PO Box 149104, Austin, TX 78714-9104."
(2) "El Departamento de Seguros de Texas ha establecido el Programa de Alcance Comunitario y Servicios de Asistencia para el Área Costera (Coastal Outreach and Assistance Services Team (COAST) Program, por su nombre y siglas en inglés) para ayudar a los consumidores a entender el proceso de las reclamaciones de TWIA. Para obtener ayuda del Programa COAST, visite el sitio Web del Programa COAST en www.tdi.texas.gov/COAST; por medio de correo electrónico a ConsumerProtection@tdi.state.tx.us; o llame gratis al 1-855-352-6278; o escriba al Programa COAST - MC 111-1A, Texas Department of Insurance, PO Box 149104, Austin, TX 78714-9104."
Source Note: The provisions of this §5.4201 adopted to be effective March 19, 2012, 37 TexReg 1909