Art. 5421c-6. PATENTS VALIDATED. All patents issued prior to the effective date of Article 5421-c as amended by House Bill No. 9 of the Forty-sixth Legislature, such effective date being September 21, 1939, by the authority of the State, under the seal of the State and of the Land Office, signed by the Governor and countersigned by the Commissioner of the General Land Office to parties who for a period of ten (10) years prior to the date of application for the patent had held and claimed the same in good faith, under the provisions of Section 5 of Chapter 271, Acts of the Forty-second Legislature, Regular Session, are hereby ratified and title validated and confirmed in such patentees, their heirs or assigns, subject only to the mineral reservation as contained in Section 4, Chapter 271, Acts of the Forty-second Legislature, Regular Session, and without regard to whether or not such land was located within five (5) miles of a well producing oil or gas in commercial quantities at the time of such patent.
Acts 1943, 48th Leg., p. 368, ch. 247, Sec. 1.