(a) Applicability. This section applies when the appraisers are unable to agree on an umpire and a party requests the department to select an umpire.
(b) Notice. The department will notify at least five umpires of possible inclusion on an umpire selection panel.
(c) Factors. When selecting an umpire for the umpire selection panel, the department may consider:
(1) the umpire's preferred geographic locations and types of claims;
(2) the proximity of the claimant and the umpire;
(3) the umpire's areas of training and expertise;
(4) the extent of the umpire's experience with appraisal and with property damage claims;
(5) the subject of the dispute;
(6) the type of policy;
(7) the value and complexity of the claim;
(8) any conflicts of interest; and
(9) other factors relevant to the dispute.
(d) Umpire's response. Each umpire notified under subsection (b) of this section must respond to the department no later than the fifth day after receiving the notice.
(1) The umpire's response must state whether the umpire will accept or reject selection as umpire for the appraisal; and
(2) provide:
(A) an up-to-date resume, curriculum vitae, or brief biographical sketch of the umpire;
(B) a statement of whether the umpire is insured by the association;
(C) a description of the nature and extent of any prior knowledge the umpire has of the dispute;
(D) a description of any contacts with either party, including association employees, within the previous three years;
(E) a description of other known potential conflicts of interest listed in §5.4214 of this title (relating to Appraisal Process - Umpire Qualifications and Conflicts of Interest); and
(F) any new disqualifying conflicts of interest listed in §5.4214 of this title.
(e) Umpire selection panel. From the information provided, the department will determine which umpires will be on the umpire selection panel. The department will send the umpire selection panel to each party and each appraiser, along with the information the listed umpires provided.
(f) Selection by agreement. The appraisers may select an umpire from the umpire selection panel. If the appraisers agree on an umpire, the association must inform the department no later than the third day after the agreement.
(g) Selection if the appraisers fail to agree. If the appraisers are unable to agree on an umpire from the umpire selection panel:
(1) each appraiser or party may object to umpires on the umpire selection panel under §5.4252(a)(1)(A) and (2)(A) of this title (relating to Objections); and
(2) the department will select an umpire from the umpires on the umpire selection panel that neither appraiser has objected to.
(h) Notice. The department will notify the umpire selected under subsection (f) or (g) of this section and give the umpire the claim information provided under §5.4211 of this title (relating to Appraisal Process).
Source Note: The provisions of this §5.4217 adopted to be effective February 14, 2013, 38 TexReg 653