(a) Required qualifications. To qualify as a mediator, a person must:
(1) have completed a 40-hour basic mediation course:
(A) conducted by an alternative dispute resolution system described in Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code §154.021(a)(1); or
(B) that complies with the mediation training standards established by the Texas Mediation Trainers Roundtable; and
(2) not have any disqualifying conflicts of interest listed in subsection (d) of this section.
(b) Preferred qualifications. The following qualifications are preferred:
(1) has conducted at least three mediations in the previous 12 months; and
(2) has experience mediating property damage claims.
(c) Potential conflicts. A potential conflict of interest exists when a mediator:
(1) is a former association or claimant employee;
(2) is a former association or claimant contractor or contractor's employee;
(3) is related within a degree of relationship described by Government Code §573.002 to:
(A) a former association employee;
(B) a former association contractor or contractor's employee;
(C) a former claimant employee; or
(D) a former claimant contractor or contractor's employee;
(4) is a current association policyholder;
(5) previously filed a claim with the association;
(6) is a current employee or contractor of an insurance company or public insurance adjusting company; or
(7) was a party or represented a party to a lawsuit with the association within the previous five years.
(d) Disqualifying conflicts. A potential mediator has a disqualifying conflict of interest if the mediator:
(1) is a current association or claimant employee, contractor, or contractor's employee, except that it is not a conflict for the mediator to be a contractor solely to serve as mediator for the pending mediation;
(2) is related within a degree of relationship described by Government Code §573.002 to:
(A) a current association employee;
(B) a current association contractor or contractor's employee;
(C) the claimant or a representative of the claimant;
(D) a current claimant employee; or
(E) a current claimant contractor or contractor's employee;
(3) currently has an open claim, or acts as a representative or public adjuster on an open claim with the association;
(4) is a party to or represents a party to a current lawsuit with the association;
(5) adjusted the loss or acted as a public adjuster on the loss involved in the claim, is related to the adjuster or public adjuster who adjusted the loss, or is an employee of the adjusting company or public insurance adjusting company that adjusted the loss or represented the claimant on the loss; or
(6) has any other direct or indirect interest, financial or otherwise, of any nature that substantially conflicts with the mediator's duties.
Source Note: The provisions of this §5.4232 adopted to be effective February 14, 2013, 38 TexReg 653