(a) Within each fiscal year, a grantee may transfer funds between direct cost line items in different approved budget categories, not to exceed a cumulative total of ten percent of the approved grant budget during that year, without requesting a grant adjustment from the OAG.
(b) If it becomes necessary to move funds that are greater than ten percent of the total budget between existing budget categories, revise the scope or target of the program, add new budget categories, or alter project activities, a grantee must first request and receive approval from the OAG for a grant adjustment. The person designated to make such requests or the authorized signator must sign all grant adjustment request forms.
(c) The OAG will allow only one grant adjustment per state fiscal year unless:
(1) the grantee demonstrates circumstances that the OAG deems adequately extenuating; or
(2) the OAG requests the grant adjustment.
Source Note: The provisions of this §54.55 adopted to be effective May 26, 2013, 38 TexReg 2975