An appointed qualified inspector must:
(1) maintain a current license with the Texas Board of Professional Engineers;
(2) notify TDI in writing not later than 30 days after a change in the appointed qualified inspector's:
(A) legal name;
(B) mailing address;
(C) telephone number; or
(D) email address;
(3) notify TDI in writing not later than 30 days after a change in the appointed qualified inspector's employment status. The appointed qualified inspector must include, as applicable, the:
(A) full legal trade or business name of employer;
(B) physical location and mailing address of the employer's business office;
(C) telephone number of the employer's business office;
(D) employer's type of business (corporation, assumed name, partnership, or self-employment through use of own name);
(E) legal relationship to and position in the employer's business; and
(F) effective date of this change in employment status;
(4) respond to TDI requests to authenticate inspection verification forms bearing the appointed qualified inspector's name and appointed qualified inspector number; and
(5) respond to other TDI requests for information made under Insurance Code §38.001.
Source Note: The provisions of this §5.4615 adopted to be effective January 18, 2017, 42 TexReg 66