This section describes the procedure for the certification of ongoing improvements inspected by appointed qualified inspectors.
(1) Eligible structures. An appointed qualified inspector or a designated representative of an appointed qualified inspector may only inspect an ongoing improvement for which TDI has received the following information:
(A) the physical address (including street, street number, city, county, and ZIP code);
(B) the wind zone location;
(C) the type of structure the ongoing improvement is or is a part of, including the structure's name or number, and number of units, if applicable;
(D) the subject of the inspection (for example, entire structure, addition, alteration, or repair);
(E) the name and contact information of the appointed qualified inspector inspecting the ongoing improvement, or whose designated representative is inspecting the ongoing improvement;
(F) the storm code, if applicable;
(G) the date construction of the ongoing improvement began;
(H) the date of application for the certificate of compliance for the ongoing improvement;
(I) the name of the person submitting the application for the certificate of compliance for the ongoing improvement;
(J) the owner's name and contact information;
(K) the name and contact information of the builder or contractor making the ongoing improvement;
(L) whether the structure is located inside or outside city limits; and
(M) whether the structure is in a Coastal Barrier Resource Zone.
(2) Inspection. The appointed qualified inspector or a designated representative of the appointed qualified inspector must inspect for compliance with the applicable windstorm building code each ongoing improvement during each major construction phase, including the foundation stage; rough framing stage; final framing stage, including attachment of component and cladding items and installation of windborne debris protection; and installation of mechanical equipment. The appointed qualified inspector's designated representatives may assist in conducting inspections, but the appointed qualified inspector must closely monitor and provide direct supervision of any designated representative assisting with the inspection process.
(3) Report. The appointed qualified inspector or a designated representative of the appointed qualified inspector must prepare all necessary construction inspection reports under §5.4625 of this title (relating to Inspection Reports).
(4) Verification of compliance. If the appointed qualified inspector determines that the ongoing improvement meets the applicable windstorm building code standard, the appointed qualified inspector must submit the following information to TDI:
(A) the information required by paragraph (1)(A) - (F) of this section;
(B) the building code standard and applicable wind load standard with which the ongoing improvement complies;
(C) the wind speed conditions the ongoing improvement is certified to withstand;
(D) the dates the ongoing improvement was inspected;
(E) the exposure category of the structure;
(F) information on the protection of exterior openings from windborne debris;
(G) the risk category of the structure;
(H) the appointed qualified inspector's appointment number; and
(I) the application number from TDI.
(5) Electronic submission. The information required by paragraphs (1) and (4) of this section, listed on Form WPI-1 and Form WPI-2, respectively, must be submitted to TDI electronically using the Windstorm system, which is available on the TDI website. TDI will accept a completed Form WPI-1 or WPI-2 emailed to only when the Windstorm system is nonfunctional.
(6) Notification of noncompliance. If the appointed qualified inspector determines that the ongoing improvement does not meet the applicable windstorm building code standard, the appointed qualified inspector must inform the person seeking certification in writing. The notice must:
(A) list specific deficiencies in the construction and deviations from the design;
(B) list other items of concern relating to the windstorm inspection and certification; and
(C) describe remedial actions required for compliance.
(7) Verification of noncompliance. If the remedial actions described in the notification of noncompliance in paragraph (6)(C) of this section are not taken, the appointed qualified inspector must submit the information required by paragraph (4) of this section to TDI, certifying that the ongoing improvement does not meet the applicable windstorm building code standard.
(8) Review. TDI will review the submitted information and any other relevant information, including information requested under §5.4626 of this title (relating to Substantiating Information), to determine whether the ongoing improvement meets the applicable windstorm building code standard.
(9) Certification. If TDI determines that the ongoing improvement meets the windstorm building code standards, TDI will issue a form with the following information:
(A) the information described in paragraph (1)(A) - (C) of this section;
(B) the subject of the certification (for example, entire structure, addition, alteration, or repair);
(C) the building code standard and applicable wind load standard with which the ongoing improvement complies;
(D) the date construction of the ongoing improvement began;
(E) whether the occupancy type is considered residential, commercial, agricultural, or religious;
(F) the certification date;
(G) TDI's certification number; and
(H) the type of inspector.
Source Note: The provisions of this §5.4621 adopted to be effective January 18, 2017, 42 TexReg 66; amended to be effective March 29, 2020, 45 TexReg 1998; amended to be effective January 23, 2023, 48 TexReg 222