(a) An appointed qualified inspector or a designated representative under the appointed qualified inspector's supervision must prepare a written inspection report for each inspection. Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, all inspection reports must include the following:
(1) the complete physical address of the inspected property (including street, street number, city, county, and ZIP code);
(2) the subject of the inspection (for example, entire structure, addition, alteration, or repair);
(3) the type of construction inspected (for example, commercial tilt wall or residential wood frame);
(4) information indicating where actual inspections occurred, including, at the appointed qualified inspector's discretion:
(A) the plan or sketches, with inspection notes on whichever the appointed qualified inspector chooses; and
(B) the plan or sketches, with notes on whichever the appointed qualified inspector chooses showing the location of photographs taken as part of the inspection;
(5) the wind zone location (Inland I, Inland II, or Seaward) (initial inspection only);
(6) the exposure category of the structure (initial inspection only);
(7) the structure's mean roof height (initial inspection only);
(8) a complete description of the building products used, including:
(A) the manufacturer's name and product name;
(B) product testing information or product evaluation;
(C) the manufacturer's installation instructions, including any special instructions for high wind areas;
(D) fastener type, length, type of corrosion resistance, and placement; and
(E) the contractor's means and methods used to install the product;
(9) all discrepancies between the ongoing improvement's as-built construction and the design documents and specifications;
(10) all discrepancies between the building products specified and the building products installed;
(11) legible copies of labels of all installed components and other manufacturer information, including shingle wrappers;
(12) a description of any action taken to remedy any discrepancies described in paragraphs (9) and (10) of this subsection;
(13) the status of the inspection, indicating whether the appointed qualified inspector approved or disapproved the structure;
(14) the date and printed name and signature of the appointed qualified inspector or the designated representative of the appointed qualified inspector; and
(15) the date or dates of the inspection or inspections.
(b) Information that is listed in subsection (a) of this section does not need to be included in an inspection report, as long as that information is contained in the design documents listed in §5.4623(a) of this title (relating to Information Required to Inspect to Design Documents). The appointed qualified inspector will still be responsible for providing this information to TDI if requested under §5.4626 of this title (relating to Substantiating Information).
Source Note: The provisions of this §5.4625 adopted to be effective January 18, 2017, 42 TexReg 66