(a) Inspection oversight. An appointed qualified inspector is subject to TDI's regulatory authority, which includes oversight inspections conducted by TDI. TDI oversees all aspects of the inspection and notification of compliance of ongoing improvements by an appointed qualified inspector under Insurance Code Chapter 2210 and this chapter.
(b) Certificate of compliance oversight.
(1) Ongoing Improvements. As part of TDI's oversight, TDI may audit the inspections on structures for which it has received an Application for Windstorm Inspection Certificate of Compliance, Form WPI-1, or an Inspection Verification, Form WPI-2, including structures for which TDI has issued a Certificate of Compliance, Form WPI-8. If TDI determines that a structure does not meet the windstorm building code standards, TDI will not issue a Form WPI-8.
(2) Completed Improvements.
(A) TDI may deny an application for certificate of compliance if the postconstruction evaluation report or Certification Form for Completed Improvement, Form WPI-2E, is not fully documented as required under §5.4604 of this title (relating to Certification Form for Completed Improvement) or §5.4606 of this title (relating to Supporting Evidence for Sealed Postconstruction Evaluation Report and Design for Certificate of Compliance for Completed Improvement). TDI may audit, inspect, or both audit and inspect structures for which it has received a Certificate of Compliance.
(B) TDI may submit a formal complaint to the Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors related to the engineering work of a professional engineer, as reflected in the sealed postconstruction evaluation report or other materials submitted by an engineer under §5.4604 and §5.4606 of this title.
(C) TDI may audit, inspect, or both audit and inspect structures for which TDI has issued a Certificate of Compliance for Completed Improvement (Engineered), Form WPI-8E.
(c) Types of oversight audits. TDI may conduct an oversight audit of an appointed qualified inspector by any one, or a combination, of the following methods.
(1) TDI may conduct an audit of an appointed qualified inspector based on documents and other information submitted to TDI.
(2) TDI may conduct an on-site audit at the appointed qualified inspector's place of employment or ongoing improvement for which TDI has received a Form WPI-1 or a Form WPI-2.
(d) Notification of audits.
(1) In all audits in which TDI asks the appointed qualified inspector to bring substantiating information to the audit, TDI will expect the audit to take place no less than 15 days after the appointed qualified inspectors receives notice of the audit.
(2) The appointed qualified inspector may request a shorter time frame if a notice period in this subsection would cause a delay in the construction schedule.
(e) Information for oversight audits. In the process of conducting an oversight audit, TDI may require the appointed qualified inspector to provide:
(1) documentation described in §5.4626 of this title (relating to Substantiating Information); and
(2) any other information maintained by the appointed qualified inspector that will demonstrate that the ongoing improvement complies with the appropriate windstorm building code standards, and that the ongoing improvement is eligible for association insurance.
(f) Burden of verification. For oversight audits, the appointed qualified inspector bears the burden of verifying, under §5.4622 of this title (relating to Inspection Verification), that the ongoing improvement complies with the wind load requirements of the applicable building code.
(g) Requirement to provide information. The appointed qualified inspector must provide information related to an audit in the same manner and time frame as required in §5.4615(5) of this title (relating to General Responsibilities of Appointed Qualified Inspectors). Failure to provide the information requested by TDI under this section may result in the nonissuance of a Certificate of Compliance, Form WPI-8 for the ongoing improvement, and the appointed qualified inspector may be subject to disciplinary action by TDI, as described in §5.4642 of this title (relating to Disciplinary Action).
Source Note: The provisions of this §5.4640 adopted to be effective January 18, 2017, 42 TexReg 66; amended to be effective October 19, 2020, 45 TexReg 7425; amended to be effective January 23, 2023, 48 TexReg 222