(a) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) Campaign coordinator--The state employee who has volunteered and been designated by the chief administrator of a state agency to coordinate the state employee charitable campaign for that agency.
(2) Campaign material--A logo identifying the state employee charitable campaign, a campaign slogan, a campaign film, a campaign donor brochure, a donor authorization form, an online giving tool website and/or application, and other materials as approved by the state policy committee.
(3) Campaign year--For salary or wages paid once each month, the payroll periods from December 1st through November 30th. For salary or wages paid twice each month, the payroll periods from December 16th through December 15th. For salary or wages paid every other week by a state agency that is not an institution of higher education, the 26 consecutive payroll periods beginning with the period that corresponds to the payment of salary or wages occurring on or closest to, but not after, December 31st. For salary or wages paid every other week by an institution of higher education, the 26 consecutive payroll periods beginning with the period designated by the institution if the period is entirely within December.
(4) Charitable organization--Has the meaning assigned by Government Code, §659.131.
(5) Comptroller--The Comptroller of Public Accounts for the State of Texas.
(6) Comptroller's electronic funds transfer system--The system authorized by Government Code, §403.016, that the comptroller uses to initiate payments instead of issuing warrants.
(7) Deduction--The amount subtracted from a state employee's salary or wages to make a contribution to a local campaign manager or a statewide federation or fund that has been assigned a payee identification number by the comptroller.
(8) Designated representative--A state employee volunteer or other individual named by a local campaign manager or a statewide federation or fund as its representative.
(9) Direct services--Has the meaning assigned by Government Code, §659.131.
(10) Eligible charitable organization--A charitable organization that is determined to be eligible to participate in the state employee charitable campaign as provided by this section and Government Code, §659.146.
(11) Eligible local charitable organization--A local charitable organization that has been approved for local participation in the state employee charitable campaign.
(12) Employer--A state agency that employs at least one state employee.
(13) Federated community campaign organization--Has the meaning assigned by Government Code, §659.131.
(14) Federation or fund--Has the meaning assigned by Government Code, §659.131.
(15) Generic campaign materials--Campaign materials that have not been modified to reflect a particular local campaign area's participants or a local employee committee.
(16) Health and human services--Has the meaning assigned by Government Code, §659.131.
(17) Holiday--A state or national holiday as specified by Government Code, §662.003. The term does not include a state or national holiday if the General Appropriations Act prohibits state agencies from observing the holiday.
(18) Include--A term of enlargement and not of limitation or exclusive enumeration. The use of the term does not create a presumption that components not expressed are excluded.
(19) Indirect services--Has the meaning assigned by Government Code, §659.131.
(20) Institution of higher education--Has the meaning assigned by Education Code, §61.003. The term does not include a public junior college that has decided not to participate in the state employee charitable contribution program in accordance with subsection (x) of this section.
(21) Local campaign area--Has the meaning assigned by Government Code, §659.131.
(22) Local campaign manager--Any local campaign manager or managers appointed by the state policy committee under Government Code, §659.140(e)(1)(C).
(23) Local campaign materials--Campaign materials that have been modified to reflect a particular local campaign area's participants and the local employee committee for the area if the state policy committee has approved the modifications, and additional materials that the state policy committee has approved because they are based on and consistent with the campaign materials approved by the committee.
(24) Local charitable organization--Has the meaning assigned by Government Code, §659.131.
(25) Local employee committee--Any local employee committee or committees appointed by the state policy committee under Government Code, §659.140(e)(1)(B).
(26) May not--A prohibition. The term does not mean "might not" or its equivalents.
(27) Payee identification number--The 14-digit number that the comptroller assigns to each direct recipient of a payment made by the comptroller for the State of Texas.
(28) Public junior college--Has the meaning assigned by Education Code, §61.003. The term includes a community college.
(29) Salary or wages--Base salary or wages, longevity pay, or hazardous duty pay.
(30) State advisory committee--Has the meaning assigned by Government Code, §659.131.
(31) State agency--Has the meaning assigned by Government Code, §659.131.
(32) State campaign manager--A federated community campaign organization or a charitable organization that is selected by the state policy committee as provided by this section to coordinate state employee charitable campaign operations with any local campaign managers appointed by the state policy committee.
(33) State employee--An employee of a state agency. The term does not include an employee of a public junior college that is not participating in the state employee charitable contribution program in accordance with subsection (x) of this section.
(34) State employee charitable campaign--Has the meaning assigned by Government Code, §659.131.
(35) State employee charitable contribution program--The charitable deduction program authorized by Government Code, Chapter 659, Subchapter D (exclusive of the deductions authorized by Government Code, §659.1311(b) - (c)).
(36) State policy committee--Has the meaning assigned by Government Code, §659.131.
(37) Statewide federation or fund--A federation or fund that has been approved for statewide participation in the state employee charitable campaign.
(38) Uniform statewide payroll/personnel system--A system in which uniform statewide payroll procedures are followed.
(39) Workday--A calendar day other than Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday.
(b) Deductions.
(1) Authorization of deductions.
(A) A state employee who is not employed by an institution of higher education may authorize not more than three monthly deductions from the employee's salary or wages.
(B) A state employee who is employed by an institution of higher education may authorize not more than three monthly deductions from the employee's salary or wages, if the institution has not specified a higher maximum number of deductions that its employees may authorize, If the institution has specified a higher maximum number, then the employee may authorize not more than that number.
(C) A state employee may authorize only one deduction to any particular statewide federation or fund or local campaign manager.
(D) A state employee may authorize a deduction only if the employee:
(i) properly completes an authorization form or an electronic deduction authorization entered through the online giving tool website or application; and
(ii) submits the form to a designated representative of the statewide federation or fund or the local campaign manager to which the deduction will be paid or completes an electronic deduction authorization through the online giving tool website or application.
(E) Except as provided in this subparagraph, a state employee may authorize a deduction only during a state employee charitable campaign.