The medical director must:
(1) review the services provided at the center to ensure a high quality of services;
(2) maintain a liaison role with the medical community in the location of the center's place of business;
(3) participate in the development and implementation of appropriate performance improvement and safety initiatives as directed by the Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement (QAPI) program;
(4) participate in the development of new programs and modifications of existing programs at the center;
(5) designate a physician as defined in §15.5 of this chapter (relating to Definitions) to provide medical consultation in the event the medical director is unavailable to the center's staff;
(6) serve on committees as defined and required by this chapter and the center's polices;
(7) consult with the center's administrator and nursing director on the health status of the center's staff as it relates to the center's IPCP and on a minor's health and safety or as threats to infection control arise;
(8) review reports of accidents and unusual incidents occurring at the center and identify to the center's administrator hazards to health and safety as directed by the QAPI program;
(9) participate in the development and implementation of policies and procedures for the delivery of emergency services for minors;
(10) participate in the development and implementation of policies and procedures for the use of restraints; and
(11) participate in the development and implementation of policies and procedures for the delivery of physician's services when a minor's prescribing physician or designated alternate is not available.
Source Note: The provisions of this §550.308 adopted to be effective September 1, 2014, 39 TexReg 6569; transferred effective May 1, 2019, as published in the Texas Register April 12, 2019, 44 TexReg 1875