(a) A building or structure used as a licensed assisted living facility, whether new or existing, must comply with these standards.
(b) All assisted living facilities must comply with National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code (NFPA 101) and any applicable Tentative Interim Amendment (TIA) issued by NFPA, except as otherwise stated in these standards.
(c) All assisted living facilities must comply with other chapters, sections, subsections, and paragraphs of NFPA 101, as they relate to: Chapter 18, New Health Care Occupancies; Chapter 19, Existing Health Care Occupancies; Chapter 32, New Residential Board and Care Occupancies; and Chapter 33, Existing Residential Board and Care Occupancies, including:
(1) Chapter 1, Administration;
(2) Chapter 2, Referenced Publications;
(3) Chapter 3, Definitions;
(4) Chapter 4, General;
(5) Chapter 5, Performance-Based Option;
(6) Chapter 6, Classification of Occupancy and Hazard of Contents;
(7) Chapter 7, Means of Egress;
(8) Chapter 8, Features of Fire Protection;
(9) Chapter 9, Building Service and Fire Protection Equipment;
(10) Chapter 10, Interior Finish, Contents, and Furnishings;
(11) Chapter 11, Special Structures and High-Rise Buildings; and
(12) Chapter 43, Building Rehabilitation.
(d) An assisted living facility that wishes to be reclassified from a small facility to a large facility, from a Type A facility to a Type B facility, or both, must meet the requirements for a new facility of the type and size specified in this subchapter to be reclassified.
(e) The requirements of this subchapter apply to an assisted living facility as follows:
(1) All assisted living facilities must comply with Division 1 of this subchapter (relating to General Provisions) and Division 2 of this subchapter (relating to Provisions Applicable to All Facilities).
(2) An assisted living facility initially licensed before August 31, 2021, and continually operated under an assisted living license without interruption since then, is considered an existing assisted living facility and must comply with the following, as applicable:
(A) An existing small Type A assisted living facility must comply with Division 4 of this subchapter (relating to Existing Small Type A Assisted Living Facilities).
(B) An existing small Type B assisted living facility must comply with Division 5 of this subchapter (relating to Existing Small Type B Assisted Living Facilities).
(C) An existing large Type A assisted living facility must comply with Division 6 of this subchapter (relating to Existing Large Type A Assisted Living Facilities).
(D) An existing large Type B assisted living facility must comply with Division 7 of this subchapter (relating to Existing Large Type B Assisted Living Facilities).
(3) An assisted living facility initially licensed on or after August 31, 2021, or any new building or building addition to a currently licensed assisted living facility constructed on or after August 31, 2021, is considered a new assisted living facility and must comply with the following:
(A) A new small Type A assisted living facility must comply with Division 8 of this subchapter (relating to New Small Type A Assisted Living Facilities).
(B) A new small Type B assisted living facility must comply with Division 9 of this subchapter (relating to New Small Type B Assisted Living Facilities).
(C) A new large Type A assisted living facility must comply with Division 10 of this subchapter (relating to New Large Type A Assisted Living Facilities).
(D) A new large Type B assisted living facility must comply with Division 11 of this subchapter (relating to New Large Type B Assisted Living Facilities).
(f) An assisted living facility must comply with local codes and ordinances as follows:
(1) An assisted living facility located within the jurisdiction of a local organization, office, or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard, or for approving equipment, materials, an installation, or a procedure that adopts codes or ordinances governing building construction or fire safety (Authority Having Jurisdiction or AHJ) must comply with applicable local codes and ordinances adopted by the AHJ, as interpreted and enforced by the AHJ. The description of the occupancy may vary with local codes.
(2) An assisted living facility located where there is no local AHJ must be designed and constructed to meet a nationally-recognized building code and its referenced codes.
(3) An existing building, either occupied as an assisted living facility at the time of initial inspection by HHSC or converted to occupancy as an assisted living facility prior to the initial inspection by HHSC, must meet all local requirements pertaining to that building for that occupancy as administered by the local AHJ for the adopted code or ordinance.
(4) An assisted living facility must submit documentation from the local AHJ that local requirements are satisfied.
(g) When local laws, codes, or ordinances are different from the standards for assisted living facilities set forth in this Subchapter D, an assisted living facility must comply with both local and HHSC requirements.
(h) An assisted living facility must ensure building rehabilitation on existing buildings is classified according to NFPA 101 and that any rehabilitation complies with NFPA 101 and §553.107 of this subchapter (relating to Building Rehabilitation).
(i) An assisted living facility must ensure buildings, or portions of buildings, are not occupied during construction, repair, alterations, or additions, except when required means of egress, required means of escape, and required fire protection features are in place and continuously maintained for the portion occupied. Alternative life safety measures may be put in place if prior approval is obtained from HHSC.
(j) An assisted living facility must ensure no existing life safety feature is removed or reduced when the feature is a requirement for a new facility. Life safety features, and equipment not required by NFPA 101, that have been installed in existing buildings must continue to be maintained or be completely removed, if prior approval is obtained from HHSC.
(k) An assisted living facility must comply with the plan review and inspection requirements of the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS) adopted by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) rules in Texas Administrative Code, Title 16, Chapter 68, and must provide documentation demonstrating it has registered the facility with TDLR and obtained a plan review from a Registered Accessibility Specialist, if TDLR requires the facility to be registered and reviewed.
(l) An assisted living facility must not segregate any area housing residents from other parts of the assisted living facility housing residents, except as permitted by §553.51 of this chapter (relating to Certification of a Facility or Unit for Persons with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders).
Source Note: The provisions of this §553.100 adopted to be effective August 31, 2021, 46 TexReg 5189