(a) Electrical system. A new small Type A assisted living facility must ensure an electrical system meets the requirements of 9.1.2, Electrical Systems, in NFPA 101, Chapter 9, Building Service and Fire Protection Equipment.
(b) Lighting. A new small Type A assisted living facility must provide illumination throughout the building. Minimum lighting levels must not be lower than:
(1) 10 footcandles in resident rooms during the day--illumination requirements for these areas apply to lighting throughout the space, as measured at 30 inches above the floor anywhere in the room;
(2) 20 footcandles in each corridor, staff station, dining room, lobby, toilet room, bathroom, bathing facility, laundry room, stairway, and elevator during the day--illumination requirements for these areas apply to lighting throughout the space, as measured at 30 inches above the floor anywhere in the room; and
(3) 50 footcandles for each medication preparation or storage area, kitchen, and desk within a staff station. Illumination requirements apply when the area is in use for a task it supports, as measured where the task is being performed.
(c) Telephone. A new small Type A assisted living facility must provide at least one telephone in the facility that is available to both staff and residents. Emergency telephone numbers must be posted conspicuously at or near the telephone, including fire, police, emergency medical services, and poison control center services.
(d) Communication system. A new small Type A assisted living facility that consists of two or more floors or separate buildings must provide a communication system from each resident living unit to a central staff station.
(1) The communication system must:
(A) be a direct telephone, emergency call system or intercom;
(B) include at least:
(i) one central notification station at a fixed location that receives all calls processed through the system; and
(ii) one permanently fixed call station or device in every resident living unit.
(2) A new small Type A assisted living facility may provide:
(A) additional or portable notification stations or devices in addition to the central notification station; or
(B) additional call stations or devices in private or common resident areas.
(3) A new small Type A assisted living facility may provide residents with portable, wireless call transmitters, such as pendants or wrist bands. However, a device may not be a substitute for a fixed call station in a resident living unit.
Source Note: The provisions of this §553.218 adopted to be effective August 31, 2021, 46 TexReg 5189