HHSC may revoke a license when the applicant, license holder, or a controlling person:
(1) violates section §553.751(a)(2) - (9) of this subchapter (relating to Administrative penalties);
(2) violates the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 247; a section, standard or order adopted under Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 247; or a license issued under Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 247 in a repeated or substantial manner;
(3) submits false statements on a license application;
(4) submits false statements on license application attachments;
(5) submits misleading statements on a license application;
(6) submits misleading statements on license application attachments;
(7) uses subterfuge or other evasive means to obtain a license;
(8) conceals a material fact on a license application that would have been the basis for denying a license under §553.17 of this chapter (relating to Criteria for Licensing);
(9) fails to disclose information, as required by Subchapter B of this chapter (relating to Licensing) that would have been the basis to deny a license under §553.17 of this chapter; or
(10) violates the Texas Health and Safety Code §247.021.
Source Note: The provisions of this §553.451 adopted to be effective August 31, 2021, 46 TexReg 5017