(a) The Division of Planning Coordination (DPC) will notify the chairmen of the regional councils of governments of their designation as an MPO subject to the conditions as set forth in section IV. The regional councils will have until May 15, 1974, to accept or reject the MPO designation. Acceptance of the designation will be accomplished when the regional councils of governments transmit the following to the governor's Office of Budget and Planning:
(1) a resolution from the governing body of the regional council accepting the designation;
(2) a resolution or other formal document concurring with the MPO designation from all signatory members.
(b) After receipt of the resolution from a regional council accepting the designation offer and the resolutions or minute orders from the signatory members approving the designation offer, a two-party agreement will be negotiated between the regional council of governments and the governor's Office of Budget and Planning. The agreement will establish the terms under which the section 112 funds can be used.
(c) If a regional council declines the offer for designation or does not receive ratification from the signatory members, the signatory members will be responsible for recommending to the governor's office, by May 31, 1974, an alternative agency to serve as the MPO for that metropolitan area. The governor's Office of Budget and Planning will then negotiate an agreement with the recommended agency.
Source Note: The provisions of this §5.55 adopted to be effective January 1, 1976.