Sec. 601.151. APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER. (a) This subchapter applies only to a motor vehicle collision in this state that results in bodily injury or death or in damage to the property of one person of at least $1,000.
(b) This subchapter does not apply to:
(1) an owner or operator who has in effect at the time of the collision a motor vehicle liability insurance policy that covers the motor vehicle involved in the collision;
(2) an operator who is not the owner of the motor vehicle, if a motor vehicle liability insurance policy or bond for the operation of a motor vehicle the person does not own is in effect at the time of the collision;
(3) an owner or operator whose liability for damages resulting from the collision, in the judgment of the department, is covered by another liability insurance policy or bond;
(4) an owner or operator, if there was not bodily injury to or damage of the property of a person other than the owner or operator;
(5) the owner or operator of a motor vehicle that at the time of the collision was legally parked or legally stopped at a traffic signal;
(6) the owner of a motor vehicle that at the time of the collision was being operated without the owner's express or implied permission or was parked by a person who had been operating the vehicle without that permission; or
(7) a person qualifying as a self-insurer under Section 601.124 or a person operating a motor vehicle for a self-insurer.
Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 165, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1995.
Amended by:
Acts 2023, 88th Leg., R.S., Ch. 709 (H.B. 2190), Sec. 73, eff. September 1, 2023.