(a) Approval Required. A savings association may not move its home office or any additional office as provided by §60.202 of this title (relating to Types of Additional Offices) beyond its immediate vicinity without the prior written approval of the Commissioner.
(b) Immediate Vicinity. The term "immediate vicinity" as used in Finance Code §62.011 means the area within a radius of 1 mile from the present location of such office. However, if the office to be relocated has not been open for business at its present location for more than 2 years, approval in accordance with this section is required as if the office were not within the immediate vicinity. If the existing office has been open for more than 2 years, prior written notice must be provided to the Commissioner describing the saving association's plans for the relocation, including the precise location for the new office, the date of the relocation, and information supporting that the new location of the office will be within the immediate vicinity of the present location and does not require the Commissioner's approval.
(c) Relocation of Existing Offices. Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, a savings association may retain its existing home office as a branch office and relocate its home office to another established branch office by providing the Commissioner prior written notice. Upon such notification, the establishment of such office is deemed to be an approved branch office of the savings association.
(d) Required Information. Each application for prior approval, or prior written notice, whichever is applicable, must provide the following information, subscribed to and sworn before a notary:
(1) the addresses of the existing and new office location;
(2) a description of the land and building to be built or leased and terms thereof;
(3) estimates of the cost of removal to and maintenance of the new location;
(4) whether any affiliated parties are involved in transactions regarding the purchase, sale, construction, or lease of the new proposed office;
(5) evidence of the board's approval of the relocation; and
(6) any other information deemed necessary by the Commissioner.
(e) Determination by Commissioner. The Commissioner will not approve the application unless the Commissioner determines that all requirements for approval of a branch office (§60.131 of this title, relating to Branch Office) have been met.
(f) Public Notice. An applicant seeking to change the location of the home or an additional office must publish a public notice of the application as provided by §60.103 of this title (relating to Public Notice of Application), which must be published in the county where the office is presently located, the county where the proposed new location is located, and the county where the savings association has its home office.
(g) Request for Hearing; Deadline to Protest. A person affected by the proposed change in home or additional office location may protest or otherwise request a hearing on the application, as provided by Finance Code §62.011. Any person affected by the proposed change in home or branch office location and desiring to protest the application or otherwise requesting a hearing on the application must file a written protest with the Department on or before 10 days after the date the public notice is made as provided by subsection (f) of this section, otherwise, any right or opportunity to protest or have a hearing on the application under Finance Code §62.011 is deemed waived.
(h) Hearing. If a hearing is required, the Commissioner will set a hearing on the application on or before 60 days after the date the protest or request for hearing and the required fee are received. The hearing is governed by the procedural requirements concerning contested cases set forth in Chapter 9 of this title (relating to Rules of Procedure for Contested Case Hearings, Appeals, and Rulemakings).
(i) Time of Decision. To the extent a hearing on the application is required, the Commissioner will render a decision on or before 30 days after the date the hearings officer issues his or her proposal or decision and the applicable time period for filing exceptions to the proposal for decision and replies to such exceptions lapsed without the hearings officer amending the proposal for decision. If a hearing on the application is not required, the Commissioner will render a decision on or before 30 days after the time period for protesting or requesting a hearing on the application lapsed as provided by subsection (g) of this section.
Source Note: The provisions of this §60.133 adopted to be effective July 16, 2023, 48 TexReg 3644