(a) Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 656, Subchapter C (the State Employees Training Act), department employees may be permitted or required to attend training or education programs if those programs relate to the employee’s duties or prospective duties, materially aid effective administration of the department’s functions, and serve an important public purpose.
(b) Training and Education Programs.
(1) The department may provide training or education for an employee if the employee’s supervisor determines that the employee and the specific training or education program meet the eligibility criteria included in the department’s personnel manual.
(2) Employees who receive training or education must utilize the training or education to prepare for technological and legal developments facing the department, or to increase professional capabilities and competence directly related to the work of the department.
(c) Tuition Reimbursement Program.
(1) The department has established a Tuition Reimbursement Program as authorized under Texas Government Code §656.047(b). This program applies to a training or education program offered by an institution of higher education or private or independent institution of higher education as defined by Texas Education Code §61.003.
(2) The department may reimburse a full-time regular employee for tuition expenses if the employee meets the eligibility criteria and the employee obligations included in the department’s personnel manual. The department may only pay the tuition expenses for a program course successfully completed by an employee at an accredited institution of higher education.
(3) An employee seeking tuition reimbursement must submit a request for reimbursement in accordance with the department’s personnel manual. The executive director must authorize the tuition reimbursement payment before an employee may be reimbursed under Texas Government Code §656.047(b).
(d) Training with Extended Absence from Job Duties.
(1) If an employee receives training that will be paid for by the department, and during which the employee will not be performing the employee's regular duties for three months or more, the employee, prior to receiving the training, must enter into a written agreement with the department to comply with the requirements of Texas Government Code §656.103(a).
(2) An employee who fails or refuses to enter into such an agreement shall not be permitted to attend training lasting three or more months.
(3) In addition to the written agreement, an employee must meet the eligibility criteria and the employee obligations included in the department’s personnel manual.
(e) The department shall pay the costs and expenses related to any approved training under this section in accordance with the Texas Government Code, Chapter 656, Subchapter C; the Comptroller’s rules and regulations; and the department’s policies relating to employee reimbursement included in the department’s personnel manual.
Source Note: The provisions of this §60.600 adopted to be effective January 1, 2023, 47 TexReg 8627