This chapter is promulgated to establish the MET requirements for the following.
(1) Trustees, as defined in Texas Government Code, §801.001(4), in their capacity as members of the governing body of a PRS, as that term is defined in Texas Government Code §802.001(2). However, this chapter does not apply to:
(A) members of a PRS's sponsoring entity board that is only responsible for the creation, termination and amendment of the PRS; and
(B) members of a committee appointed by a PRS's sponsoring entity board to act in an advisory or oversight capacity only by providing guidance or recommendations.
(2) Statutorily authorized designees serving as members of the governing body of a PRS.
(3) System administrators, as defined by Texas Government Code, §801.001(3) and §802.001(4).
Source Note: The provisions of this §607.105 adopted to be effective September 18, 2014, 39 TexReg 7343