(a) A public retirement system is adhering to a legacy funding soundness restoration plan if the system's actuarial valuation shows:
(1) the funding period is expected to fall within 40 years by the target date and so long as the system's funding period continues to shorten while the system's funding period is above 40 years and does not increase to a length of time greater than 40 years after falling below 40 years; or
(2) an increase in funding period compared to the previous valuation, and the system's actuarial valuation shows that, between the valuation date and the system's target date, the system's funding period or funded ratio remains within the compliance corridor adopted in board rule. If the system's funding period is infinite, only the funded ratio will be evaluated to determine compliance for the purposes of this paragraph.
(b) A public retirement system with a legacy funding soundness restoration plan may submit a projection to serve as the baseline for the purpose of this subsection. This projection must show the projected funded ratio and funding period for each year beginning with the current date until the target date. For any years the system's funding period is projected to be above 40 years, the corridor will be based on the baseline. For any years the system's funding period is projected to be below 40 years, the compliance corridor will be based on a minimum of 40 years. If the system does not submit such a projection to the board for this purpose, the board will determine adherence to the legacy funding soundness restoration plan using a baseline in which a system's funding period must decrease by one year every consecutive year as measured on the anniversary of the date on which the final version of the funding soundness restoration plan was agreed to as required by law.
(c) The allowable degree of variation from the baseline will begin at five percent for a funded ratio corridor or ten years for a funding period corridor and will decrease over period between the current date and the target date as described by Figure: 40 TAC §610.20(c). A system would be considered compliant if plan experience exceeds a corridor in a favorable way. The board will use each system's baseline to provide a compliance corridor unique to that system based on their funding period and funded ratio, using the corridor sizes specified in these rules.
Attached Graphic
Source Note: The provisions of this §610.20 adopted to be effective October 26, 2022, 47 TexReg 7068