(a) All rules stated herein, except §§61.106 - 61.108, and 61.112 apply to mixed martial arts contests unless this section conflicts with another rule stated herein. If a conflict occurs, this section prevails.
(b) Contestants may wear fingerless gloves weighing not less than 4 ounces, which shall be supplied by the promoter and approved by the Executive Director.
(1) If both contestants wear gloves, closed fist punching and frontal palm/heel strikes are permitted.
(2) If both contestants are not wearing gloves, frontal palm/heel strikes and closed fist punches are not permitted, except to the body.
(c) Contestants may prevail by technical knockout, knockout, submission (either by physical or verbal tap out), disqualification or judges decision.
(d) Scoring Techniques.
(1) Using the 10-Point Must Scoring System, judges are required to determine a winner of a contest that ends after the scheduled number of rounds have been completed. Ten points must be awarded to the winner of each round and 9 points or less must be awarded to the loser, except for a rare even round, which is scored a 10-10.
(2) Judges must evaluate mixed martial arts techniques, such as effective striking, effective grappling, fighting area control, and effective aggressiveness/defense.
(e) Contestants may wear shorts, trunks, wrestling singlet, or traditional martial arts Gi, unless otherwise instructed by the Executive Director. Knee braces without metal are permissible. Contestants may not wear shoes of any kind during competition. A male contestant may not wear a shirt during competition.
(f) Each contestant must be clean and present a tidy appearance. The use of grease or any other foreign substance, including, without limitation, grooming creams, lotions or sprays, may not be used on the face, hair or body of a contestant. The referee or the Executive Director's representative shall cause any foreign substance to be removed.
(g) Contestants who wear gloves may wrap hands in a manner approved by the Executive Director. If contestants are not wearing gloves, it is not permissible to wrap hands, but wrists may be taped. Contestants who choose to wear gloves, may only compete with other contestants wearing gloves. Contestants choosing not to wear gloves, may only compete with other contestants who choose not to wear gloves.
(h) Weight Divisions. Except with the approval of the Executive Director, the classes for mixed martial arts contest or exhibitions and the weights for each class are shown in the following schedule:
(1) Flyweight--up to 125 lbs.
(2) Bantamweight--over 125 to 135 lbs.
(3) Featherweight--over 135 to 145 lbs.
(4) Lightweight--over 145 to 155 lbs.
(5) Welterweight--over 155 to 170 lbs.
(6) Middleweight--over 170 to 185 lbs.
(7) Light Heavyweight--over 185 to 205 lbs.
(8) Heavyweight--over 205 to 265 lbs.
(9) Super Heavyweight--over 265 lbs.
(i) Non-championship contests shall not exceed a total of 15 minutes per contest with no overtime allowed. Championship contests shall not exceed a total of 25 minutes of action. Rounds shall be a minimum of three minutes with a one-minute rest period between each round.
(j) A fitted mouthpiece shall be worn while competing.
(k) A male contestant must wear a plastic foul-proof groin protector (abdominal guard). A female contestant must wear a plastic pelvic guard and may wear a breast protector.
(l) Contestants may use the ropes once during a round. The second time a contestant grabs the ropes will be considered a submission.
(m) Intentionally escaping from the fighting area will result in a rope call.
(n) If both contestants wrestle into or under the ropes and the referee believes that the ropes are causing interference with the match, the referee may stop the action, and require both contestants to take a standing position in the middle of the fighting area before continuing the match.
(o) If both contestants are wrestling on the ground and the referee believes neither contestant will gain an advantage, the referee may stop the contest, and require both contestants to take a standing position in the middle of the fighting area before continuing the match.
(p) Mixed martial arts contests may be conducted either in an approved ring or in an enclosed fighting area. The following specifics apply:
(1) Rings:
(A) Must be no smaller than 16 feet square and no larger than 32 feet square within the ropes. The ring floor must extend at least 18 inches beyond the ropes;
(B) The ring floor must be padded with ensolite or another similar closed-cell foam, with at least 1 inch layer of foam padding. Padding must extend beyond the ring ropes and over the edge of the platform. Material that tends to gather in lumps or ridges may not be used;
(C) The ring platform must not be more than 4 feet above the floor of the venue and must have suitable steps or ramps for the use of the contestants and ring officials;
(D) Ring posts must be made of metal, not more than 3 inches in diameter, extending from the floor of the venue to a minimum height of 58 inches above the ring floor, and must be properly padded in a manner approved by the Executive Director. Ring posts must be at least 18 inches away from the ring ropes;
(E) There must be five ring ropes, not less than 1 inch in diameter and wrapped in soft material. The lowest rope must be 12 inches above the ring floor;
(F) There may not be any obstruction or object on the ring floor;
(2) Fighting Areas:
(A) May be circular or may be multi-sided having four or more sides that are equal in length. A circular fighting area must have a diameter of no less than 16 feet and of no more than 32 feet in length. For a multi-sided fighting area the shortest straight line distance between any two opposite sides must be no less than 16 feet and no more than 32 feet in length.
(B) The floor shall be constructed of material at least 3/4 inch thick, adequately supported, and padded with ensolite or similar closed-cell foam that is at least one inch thick.
(C) Padding shall extend beyond the fighting area and over the edge of the platform, and have a top covering of canvas, duck or similar material approved by the Executive Director.
(D) The covering shall be clean and tightly stretched and laced to the fighting area platform and may not have tears, holes or overlapping seams.
(E) The fighting area platform shall not be more than 4 feet above the floor of the building and shall have suitable steps or ramps for use by the participants.
(F) Posts shall be made of metal not more than 6 inches in diameter, extending from the floor of the venue to between 5 and 7 feet above the canvas of the fighting area and, if inside the fenced area, shall be properly padded in a manner approved by the Executive Director.
(G) The fighting area shall be enclosed by a fence made of material that will not allow a contestant to fall out or break through it onto the floor or spectators; including, without limitation, chain-link fence coated with vinyl. Any metal portion of the fenced area must be covered and padded in a manner approved by the Executive Director and must not be abrasive to the contestants.
(H) A fence area must have 2 gated entrances on opposite sides of the fenced area.
(I) There must not be any obstruction on the fence surrounding the area in which the contestants compete.
(q) The promoter of a mixed martial arts event shall hang at least 2 video screens that meet the approval of the Executive Director and which allow the patrons to view the action inside the enclosed fighting area or ring.
(r) If a laceration occurs, the referee may stop the contest and request the ring physician to examine the laceration. Either the physician or referee can stop the contest.
(s) The following tactics are fouls and may result in disqualification or point deduction at the discretion of the referee.
(1) Head butts.
(2) Kicks, punches or any strikes to the groin.
(3) Spitting or biting.
(4) Striking or grabbing the throat area.
(5) Grabbing the trachea.
(6) Kneeing to the head of a grounded opponent.
(7) Kicking to the head of a grounded opponent.
(8) Hair pulling.
(9) Engaging in any unsportsmanlike conduct that causes an injury to an opponent.
(10) Attacking on the break.
(11) Attacking after the bell has sounded.
(12) Intentionally pushing, shoving, wrestling, or throwing an opponent out of the fight area.