(a) In nominating trustee candidates for military reservation school districts, the commanding officer of the military reservation shall do the following:
(1) submit a list to the commissioner of education with at least one nominee for each vacancy. A majority of the trustees appointed to the school board must be civilian, and all may be civilian. When two or more vacancies occur simultaneously, a list of at least one nominee for each vacancy shall be submitted. In cases when the commanding officer wishes to reappoint existing board members, a list of at least one nominee for each vacancy must still be submitted. Nominees not selected for existing vacancies may be resubmitted as candidates for subsequent vacancies. The commanding officer may rank in the order of preference the nominees submitted for each vacancy;
(2) submit a statement that verifies that each of the nominees is qualified under the general school laws of Texas and lives or is employed on the military reservation;
(3) submit a copy of a current biographical vita (resume) for each nominee, with a signature by the nominee attesting truth to the contents of the biographical vita;
(4) submit a statement from each nominee that expresses the nominee's willingness to accept appointment and to serve in such a capacity with full adherence to the state-established standards on the duties and responsibilities of school board members;
(5) submit a signed statement that expresses recognition of the powers of the board of trustees to govern and manage the operations of the military reservation school districts;
(6) submit a signed statement regarding the governance and management operations of the district that expresses recognition that the role of the commanding officer of the military reservation is limited only to the duty defined by statute in the process for appointing members of the board of trustees; and
(7) submit a statement that the membership composition of the entire board of trustees is in full compliance with the provisions of the Texas Education Code (TEC), §11.352.
(b) In nominating trustee candidates for the Boys Ranch Independent School District (ISD), the president and chief executive officer of the Cal Farley's Boys Ranch shall do the following:
(1) submit a name to the commissioner for each vacancy. When two or more vacancies occur simultaneously, a name for each vacancy shall be submitted. In cases when the president and chief executive officer wishes to reappoint existing board members, the name of the existing board member for each vacancy must still be submitted;
(2) submit a statement that verifies that each of the nominees is qualified under the general school laws of Texas;
(3) submit a copy of a current biographical vita (resume) for each of the nominees, with a signature by the nominee attesting truth to the contents of the biographical vita;
(4) submit a statement from each of the nominees that expresses the nominee's willingness to accept appointment and to serve in such a capacity with full adherence to the state-established standards on the duties and responsibilities of school board members;
(5) submit a signed statement that expresses recognition of the powers of the board of trustees to govern and manage the operations of the Boys Ranch ISD;
(6) submit a signed statement regarding the governance and management operations of the district that expresses recognition that the role of the superintendent is in full compliance with the provisions of the TEC, §11.201; and
(7) submit a statement that the membership composition of the entire board of trustees is in full compliance with the provisions of the TEC, §11.352.
(c) A member of a board of trustees appointed under the TEC, §11.352, and this section will serve a term of two years. A member of the board of trustees, who during the period of the term of office resigns from office or experiences a change of status that disqualifies such member for appointment under the provisions of the TEC, shall become ineligible to serve at the time of the change of status. A board vacancy resulting from such resignation or disqualification shall be filled in accordance with the procedures established under the TEC, §11.352, and this section.
Source Note: The provisions of this §61.2 adopted to be effective September 1, 1996, 21 TexReg 3705; amended to be effective December 20, 2010, 35 TexReg 11223; amended to be effective March 7, 2012, 37 TexReg 1510; amended to be effective March 24, 2020, 45 TexReg 1984