(a) An Eligible Entity shall submit information regarding the planned use of funds as part of the CAP as described in §6.206 of this subchapter (relating to Strategic Plan, Community Assessment, and Community Action Plan).
(b) HHS issues terms and conditions for receipt of funds under the CSBG. Eligible Entities must comply with the requirements of the terms and conditions of the CSBG award.
(c) CSBG Eligible Entities, and other CSBG organizations where applicable, are required to coordinate CSBG funds and form partnerships and other linkages with other public and private resources and coordinate and establish linkages between governmental and other social service programs to assure the effective delivery of services and avoid duplication of services.
(d) CSBG Eligible Entities will provide, on an emergency basis, the provision of supplies and services, nutritious foods, and related services as may be necessary to counteract the conditions of starvation and malnutrition among low-income individuals. The nutritional needs may be met through a referral source that has immediate resources available to meet the needs.
(e) CSBG Eligible Entities and other CSBG organizations are required to coordinate for the provision of employment and training activities through local workforce investment systems under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, as applicable.
(f) CSBG Eligible Entities are required to inform custodial parents in single-parent families that participate in programs, activities, or services about the resources available through the Texas Attorney General's Office with respect to the collection of child support payments and refer eligible parents to the Texas Attorney General's Office of Child Support Services Division.
(g) Documentation of Services. Eligible Entities must maintain a record of referrals and services provided.
(h) Intake Form. To fulfill the requirements of 42 U.S.C. §9917, Eligible Entities must complete and maintain an intake form that screens for income, assesses customer needs, and captures the demographic and household characteristic data required for the Monthly Performance and Expenditure Report, referenced in Subchapter A of this chapter (relating to General Provisions), for all Households receiving a community action service. Eligible Entities must complete and maintain a manual or electronic intake form for all customers at least every twelve months.
(i) Case Management.
(1) An Eligible Entity is required to provide integrated case management services. Eligible Entities are required to identify and set goals for Households they serve through the case management process. Eligible Entities are required to evaluate and assess the effect its case management system has on the short-term (less than three months) and long-term (greater than three months) impact on customers, such as enabling the customer to move from poverty to self-sufficiency, to maintain stability. CSBG funds may be used for short term case management to meet immediate needs. In addition, CSBG funds may be used to provide long-term case management to persons working to transition out of poverty and achieve self-sufficiency.
(2) An Eligible Entity must have and maintain documentation of case management services provided.
(3) An Eligible Entity is assigned a minimum TOP goal by the Department. Eligible Entities must provide ongoing case management services for these TOP Households. The case management services must include the components described in subparagraphs (A) - (L) of this paragraph. Eligible Entities must also provide case management clients with a Customer Satisfaction Survey, described in subparagraph (M) of this paragraph, for the client to complete anonymously. At least annually, Eligible Entities must evaluate the effectiveness of their case management services, as described in subparagraph (N) of this paragraph. The forms or systems utilized for each component may be manual or electronic forms provided by the Department or manual or electronic forms created by the Eligible Entity that at minimum contain the same information as the Department-issued form:
(A) Self-Sufficiency Customer Questionnaire to assess a customer's status in the areas of employment, job skills, education, income, housing, food, utilities, Child care, Child and family development, transportation, healthcare, and health insurance;
(B) Self-Sufficiency Outcomes Matrix to assess the customer's status in the self-sufficiency domains;
(C) Case Management Screening Questions to assess the customer's willingness to participate in case management services on an ongoing basis;
(D) For customers who are willing to engage in long term case management services, a Case Management Agreement between the Eligible Entity and customer;
(E) Release of Information Form;
(F) Case Management Service Plan to document planned goals agreed upon by the case manager and customer along with steps and timeline to achieve goals;
(G) Case management follow-up, which provides a system to document customer progress at completing steps and achieving goals. Case management follow-up should occur, at a minimum, every 30 days, either through a meeting, phone call or email. In person meetings should occur, at a minimum, once a quarter;
(H) A record of referral resources and documentation of the results;
(I) A system to document services received and to collect and report NPI data;
(J) A system to document Case Management Closure form to document persons that have exited case management;
(K) TOP Income Tracker form to document income for persons that have maintained an income level above 125% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines for 90 days;
(L) A system to document and notify customers of termination of case management services;
(M) Customer Satisfaction Survey; and
(N) On an annual basis, an Eligible Entity should determine the effectiveness of its case management services and identify strategies for improvement, including identification of reasons for customer terminations and strategies to limit their occurrence.
(j) Effective January 1, 2016, Eligible Entities shall meet the CSBG Organizational Standards as issued by HHS IM 138 (as revised), except that where the word bylaws is used the Department has modified the standards to read Certificate of Formation/Articles of Incorporation and bylaws; also, Eligible Entities must follow the requirements in TxGMS (as applicable) including the State of Texas Single Audit Circular. Failure to meet the CSBG Organizational Standards as described in this subsection may result in HHS IM 116 proceedings as described in Chapter 2 of this title (relating to Enforcement).
Source Note: The provisions of this §6.207 adopted to be effective December 2, 2021, 46 TexReg 8012; amended to be effective January 1, 2023, 47 TexReg 8529