(a) Each registered code enforcement officer must complete at least twelve continuing education hours as set forth in this section within the 24 months preceding renewal of a registration, at least one hour of which must be in legal or legislative issues as provided in subsection (i)(12).
(b) Each registered code enforcement officer in training must complete at least six continuing education hours as set forth in this section within the twelve months preceding renewal of a registration, at least one hour of which must be in legal or legislative issues as provided in subsection (i)(12).
(c) A code enforcement officer in training who applies to upgrade a registration pursuant to §62.20 is not required to submit continuing education hours in order to upgrade.
(d) Only continuing education activities conducted in accordance with this section shall be considered approved by the department and may be represented to the public as acceptable for registration renewal for registered code enforcement officers and code enforcement officers in training in Texas.
(e) Department-approved continuing education activities for registration renewal may include the following:
(1) conferences;
(2) home-study training modules (including professional journals requiring successful completion of a test document);
(3) lectures;
(4) panel discussions;
(5) seminars;
(6) accredited college or university courses;
(7) video or film presentations with live instruction;
(8) field demonstrations;
(9) teleconferences; or
(10) other activities approved by the department.
(f) Only the following continuing education activities shall serve as a basis for registration renewal:
(1) approved by the department or its designee in accordance with this section; or
(2) approved by another professional regulatory agency in the State of Texas as acceptable continuing education for registration renewal; and
(3) covering one or more of the curriculum areas listed in subsection (i).
(g) Continuing education activities must meet the following criteria in order to be accepted for continuing education credit:
(1) the activity must cover one or more of the curriculum areas listed in subsection (i);
(2) the activity must be conducted by an organization which is:
(A) an accredited college or university;
(B) a governmental agency, including local, state or federal agencies;
(C) an association with a membership of 25 or more persons, or its affiliate; or
(D) a commercial education business;
(3) the activity must have a record-keeping procedure which includes a register of who took the course and the number of continuing education hours earned;
(4) the organization must implement procedures for verifying participant attendance;
(5) the activity must be at least 50 minutes in length of actual instruction time. Round-table discussions and more than one speaker for the total of 50 minutes per activity is permissible. No credit will be given for time used for other non-relevant activities; and
(6) the activity must be conducted in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for access to activities.
(h) Commercial education businesses shall submit a request for approval on department forms, and shall not represent any course as approved until such approval is granted by the department in writing.
(i) The curriculum of an approved activity must include one or more of the following subjects:
(1) zoning and zoning ordinance enforcement;
(2) sign regulations;
(3) home occupations;
(4) housing codes and ordinances;
(5) building abatement;
(6) nuisance violations;
(7) abandoned vehicles;
(8) junk vehicles;
(9) health ordinances;
(10) basic processes of law related to code enforcement;
(11) professional, supervisory, or management training related to the profession of code enforcement;
(12) legislative or legal updates related to the profession of code enforcement; or
(13) principles and procedures to be followed when possessing or carrying a bite stick.
(j) Documentation of continuing education activity shall be maintained by the organization for five years, including:
(1) a roster which shall include the following:
(A) name, address, phone number, registration number, and signature of the registrant; and
(B) number of continuing education hours earned by each individual; and
(2) copies of all program materials sufficient to demonstrate compliance with this section.
(k) At the conclusion of the activity the organization shall distribute to those registered code enforcement officers and code enforcement officers in training who have successfully completed the activity a certificate of completion which shall include the name of the registrant, the name of the organization providing the training, the title of the activity, the date and location of the activity, and the continuing education hours earned. The certificate shall include a breakdown of the hours earned on each topic listed under subsection (i).
(l) Each registered code enforcement officer and code enforcement officer in training shall collect and keep certificates of completion of approved courses. These certificates of completion will be used to document the attendance of a registered code enforcement officer or code enforcement officer in training at approved courses. The department will conduct random audits for compliance with this requirement.
(m) Failure to comply with continuing education requirements may result in suspension of a code enforcement officer or code enforcement officer in training registration until the necessary credits for continuing education are successfully completed.
(n) The department may refuse to accept any or all courses for registration renewal if an organization fails to retain documentation related to the activity as required by this section, or fails to comply with any other requirements that are a basis for approval or that are a part of this chapter.
(o) Initial certification in the twelve months preceding renewal will be accepted as proof of the continuing education required by this section if the certification is listed as follows:
(1) International Code Council (ICC):
(A) residential building inspector;
(B) residential electrical inspector;
(C) residential mechanical inspector;
(D) residential plumbing inspector;
(E) commercial building inspector;
(F) commercial electrical inspector;
(G) commercial mechanical inspector;
(H) commercial plumbing inspector;
(I) fire inspector I;
(J) fire inspector II;
(K) residential combination inspector;
(L) commercial combination inspector;
(M) certified building official;
(N) accessibility inspector;
(O) zoning inspector;
(P) property maintenance and housing inspector; or
(Q) housing code official;
(2) International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO):
(A) voluntary plumbing inspector; or
(B) voluntary mechanical inspector;
(3) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
(A) certified fire protection specialist;
(B) fire inspector I;
(C) fire inspector II;
(D) certified building inspector;
(E) certified residential electrical inspector; or
(F) certified master electrical inspector;
(4) International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI):
(A) building 1 and 2 family dwelling;
(B) building general;
(C) electrical 1 and 2 family dwelling;
(D) electrical general;
(E) fire protection general;
(F) fire protection plan review;
(G) mechanical 1 and 2 family dwelling;
(H) mechanical general;
(I) plumbing 1 and 2 family dwelling; or
(J) plumbing general;
(5) National Swimming Pool Foundation (NSPF) certified pool-spa operator; or
(6) American Association of Code Enforcement (AACE):
(A) certified property maintenance and housing inspector;
(B) certified zoning enforcement officer;
(C) certified code enforcement officer; or
(D) code enforcement administrator.
Source Note: The provisions of this §62.24 adopted to be effective November 1, 2017, 42 TexReg 4615; amended to be effective August 1, 2020, 45 TexReg 5164