(a) All safety and pressure relief valves for ASME Sections I, IV, and VIII Division 1 boilers must be repaired, tested, set, and sealed by one of the organizations listed in this section, provided the scope of the issued certificate of authorization covers the work to be performed.
(b) The following organizations are authorized to set and seal safety appliances:
(1) an organization holding a valid V, HV, or UV certificate of authorization, as appropriate, issued by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); or
(2) an organization holding a valid VR certificate of authorization issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors; or
(3) an organization holding a valid owner/operator certificate of authorization issued by the department to repair, test, set and seal safety appliances for boilers meeting the requirements of this chapter only at the approved owner/operators facilities. Such authorization may be granted or withheld by the department.
(A) If authorization is granted and proper administrative fees as provided for in §65.300, are paid, a certificate of authorization will be issued, expiring on the triennial anniversary date. The certificate shall indicate authorization to repair ASME Sections I, IV, or VIII valves, as verified by testing and as covered by the repair organization's quality control manual.
(B) The applicant should apply to the department for renewal of authorization and reissuance of the certificate six (6) months prior to the date of expiration.
(C) The owner/operator certificate of authorization is renewable every three (3) years. Before issuance or renewal of the certificate of authorization, the repair organization and its facilities are subject to a review and demonstration of its quality control system by an inspector. Original code books and the National Board's Pressure Relief Device Certifications (NB-18), as required to set and seal safety appliances, shall be available during the review of the quality control system.
(D) Before the owner/operator certificate of authorization may be issued or renewed, two valves which have been repaired by the applicant must successfully complete operational verification tests as follows:
(i) visual examination to ensure the quality of material and workmanship;
(ii) verification that critical parts meet the valve manufacturer's specifications. Critical parts that are replaced must be fabricated to the valve manufacturer's specifications. Critical parts which require repair shall meet the valve manufacturer's specifications;
(iii) tightness tests and verification; and
(iv) set pressure test and verification.
(E) The purpose of the tests is to ensure that the function and operation of the valves meet the requirements of the applicable section of the ASME Code to which they are manufactured. Should any of the valves fail to meet the applicable requirements, the test shall be repeated on two valves for each valve that failed. Failure of any of these valves shall cause the applicant to investigate and document the cause of failure and state what corrective action has been taken to prevent future recurrences. Retest of the original valve is acceptable. Following proper implementation of this corrective action and after satisfactory performance, permission to receive the certificate of authorization will be granted.
(F) Field repairs are defined as any repair conducted outside a fixed repair shop location. Field repairs may be conducted with the aid of mobile facilities with repair capabilities with or without testing capabilities. Field repairs may be conducted in owner/operator facilities without the use of mobile facilities. Organizations that obtain the owner/operator certificate of authorization for in-shop/plant repairs may also perform field repairs to safety and pressure relief valves provided that:
(i) qualified technicians perform such repairs;
(ii) an acceptable quality control system covering field repairs is maintained; and
(iii) periodic audits of the work carried out in the field are made by quality control personnel of the certificate of authorization holder to ensure that the requirements of the quality control system are met.
(G) Provided the provisions in subparagraph (F)(i) - (iii) are met, verification testing of field repaired valves shall not be required.
(H) Organizations that perform field repairs only must demonstrate field repair capabilities to an inspector before the certificate of authorization may be issued or renewed. Two valves must be repaired in the field and successfully complete verification tests as described in subparagraph (D) and (E). A quality control manual as required in subparagraph (J), must be prepared describing all field repair activities.
(I) Repair of a safety and pressure relief valve is considered to be the replacement, remachining, or cleaning of any part, lapping of seat and disc, or any other operation which may affect the flow passage, capacity, function, or pressure retaining integrity. Disassembly, reassembly, and/or adjustments which affect the safety or pressure relief valve function are also considered a repair. The initial installation, testing, and adjustments of a new safety valve or a pressure relief valve in a boiler are not considered a repair.
(J) In general, the quality control system shall describe and explain what documents and procedures the owner/operator will use to validate a valve repair. Before issuance or renewal of the owner/operator certificate of authorization, the applicant must meet all requirements, including an acceptable written quality control system. The basic elements of a written quality control system shall be those described in §65.615, Exhibit 9.
(i) The written quality control system shall also include provisions for making revisions, enabling the system to be kept current as required.
(ii) A review of the applicant's quality control system will be performed by an inspector. The review will include a demonstration of the implementation of the applicant's quality control system.
(iii) Each applicant to whom a certificate of authorization is issued, shall maintain thereafter a controlled copy of the accepted quality control manual with the inspector. Except for changes which do not affect the quality control program, revisions to the quality control manual shall not be implemented until such revisions are acceptable to the inspector.
(K) It is essential that owner/operator valve repair organizations ensure that personnel making repairs to safety and pressure relief valves are knowledgeable and qualified. The owner/operator shall provide documented training with minimum qualification requirements for the valve repair position. Specific requirements to be included in an individual's training are as follows:
(i) working knowledge of the organization's quality control manual;
(ii) working knowledge of the applicable requirements; and
(iii) working knowledge of the technical aspects and mechanical skills for valves being repaired or tested.
(L) Performance testing of repaired valves.
(i) For shop valves, a test stand shall be used. The test stand shall be of a size and design to ensure clean, consistent, and repetitive pop action and response to blowdown adjustment, if possible. Test gages shall be connected to the test stand in such a manner as to indicate true pressure at the inlet of the valve being tested. Test gages shall be maintained and calibrated, at least every ninety (90) days, to a minimum of one-half of 1.0% accuracy over the upper 80% of full scale range. The use of digital gages is acceptable. All calibrations shall be documented and traceable to national standards.
(ii) Valves marked for liquid service shall be set according to the applicable manufacturer's specification.
(iii) Valves marked for steam service or having special internal parts for steam should be tested with steam. However, valves for steam service may be tested with air or nitrogen for correct opening (popping), pressure setting, and, if possible, blowdown adjustment, provided the differential in popping pressure between steam and air or nitrogen, as specified in the quality control manual, are applied to the popping point.
(iv) Valves which are repaired in place shall be tested to demonstrate set pressure.
(v) For valves which are repaired in place, a device (hydraulic, pneumatic, etc.) may be used to apply an auxiliary lifting load on the spring to a valve for testing purposes and/or making adjustments. Calibrated testing equipment shall be used and detailed testing procedures followed. In such cases, the manufacturer's recommendations shall be used to establish blowdown.
(M) When a safety or pressure relief valve is repaired, a metal repair tag, as described in the quality control manual, shall be attached to the valve. As a minimum, the information on the tag will include the valve identification number, set pressure, date of repair, and certificate of authorization number.
Source Note: The provisions of this §65.614 adopted to be effective June 15, 2015, 40 TexReg 3121