
Sec. 659.257. Demotions.

Sec. 659.257. DEMOTIONS. (a) This section applies only to positions classified under the state's position classification plan.

(b) A demotion is an employee's change in duty assignment within a state agency from one classified position to another classified position that is in a salary group with a lower minimum salary rate.

(c) When an employee is demoted to a position in a lower salary group in Salary Schedule A of the General Appropriations Act, the employee will receive a salary rate at least one step below the rate the employee received before demotion. When an employee is demoted from a position in Salary Schedule B or C of the General Appropriations Act to a position in Salary Schedule A of the General Appropriations Act, the employee shall receive a step rate that is at least 3.4 percent below the rate the employee received before demotion.

(d) When an employee is demoted within Salary Schedule B of the General Appropriations Act or from Salary Schedule A or C of the General Appropriations Act to Salary Schedule B of the General Appropriations Act, the employee will receive a salary rate of at least 3.4 percent below the rate the employee received before demotion.

(e) When an employee is demoted to a position in a lower salary group in Salary Schedule C of the General Appropriations Act or from Salary Schedule A or B of the General Appropriations Act to Salary Schedule C of the General Appropriations Act, the employee will receive the rate set in the schedule for that salary group.

(f) As exceptions to the other provisions in this section, an agency is not required to reduce an employee's salary if:

(1) the employee accepts a position in another classification in a lower salary group in lieu of a layoff under a reduction in force; or

(2) the employee is selected for another position in a classification in a lower salary group as a result of applying for the position.

(g) An employee demoted in the manner described by Subsection (f) may not receive a salary rate that exceeds the maximum rate of the lower salary group. In addition, an employee demoted as described by Subsection (f)(1) may not receive a salary rate that exceeds the employee's salary rate before the demotion.

Added by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 279, Sec. 16, eff. Sept. 1, 1999.

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