The Intense Plus Service Level consists of the highest degree of structure, and meets all of the requirements in §700.2361 of this title (relating to What is the description of the Intense Service Level?), in addition to the requirements of this section. Services and treatment at the Intense Plus Level must be provided in a therapeutic residential setting by caregivers with specialized training as further outlined in contract for the provision of services to a child at the Intense Plus Service Level. In addition to any such contractual requirements, a provider serving a child at the Intense Plus Service Level must:
(1) offer single child and sibling group placement;
(2) deliver an appropriate number of medical and therapeutic services that are research-supported, reimbursable by Medicaid or other funding sources, and readily available in the community, including but not limited to daily therapy sessions, individual and group therapy, and specialized therapies such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy, Applied Behavior Analysis (certified); and Treatment for Anorexia/Bulimia/Eating Disorders, and others as appropriate;
(3) provide continued care for a child following psychiatric or medical hospitalization; and
(4) offer "step down" from the Intense Plus Service Level, which includes long-term discharge and aftercare planning.
Source Note: The provisions of this §700.2365 adopted to be effective September 1, 2017, 42 TexReg 4307