(a) The council shall consider and review all amendments to these codes which are approved and recommended by ICC, and if they are determined to be in the public interest, the amendments shall be effective 180 days following the date of the council's determination or at a later date as set by the council.
(b) Any amendment proposed by a local building official, and determined by the council following a public hearing to be essential to the health and safety of the public on a statewide basis, shall become effective 180 days following the date of the council's determination or at a later date as set by the council.
(c) The 2021 International Building Code shall be amended as follows.
(1) Amend Section 101 Scope and General Requirement as follows.
(A) Amend Section 101.1 Title to read as follows: "These regulations shall be known as the Building Code of the Texas Industrialized Housing and Buildings Program, hereinafter referred to as 'this code.'"
(B) Amend Section 101.2 Scope by adding the following: "Where conflicts occur between the provisions of this code and the provisions of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202, Industrialized Housing and Buildings, or the provisions of 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70, rules governing the Texas Industrialized Housing and Buildings Program, the provisions of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202 and 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70 shall control."
(C) Amend Section 101.2.1 Appendices by adding the following: "Appendices C, F, and K shall be considered part of this code."
(D) Amend Section 101.4 Referenced codes to read as follows: "The other codes listed in Sections 101.4.1 through 101.4.9 and referenced elsewhere in this code shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Whenever amendments to the referenced codes have been adopted, each reference to said code shall be considered to reference the amendment as well."
(E) Amend Section 101.4.7 Existing buildings to add the following sentence: "Moved industrialized buildings that bear approved certification decals or insignia, and that may also bear an alteration decal, in accordance with the requirements of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202 and 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70, and that have not been altered or modified since the decal, insignia, or alteration decal was attached, shall be considered to be in compliance with the current mandatory building codes adopted by the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council."
(F) Add new Section 101.4.8 Electrical to read as follows: "The provisions of Appendix K shall apply to the installation of electrical systems, including alterations, repairs, replacements, equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances thereto. Any reference to NFPA 70 or the Electrical Code shall mean the Electrical Code as adopted."
(G) Add new Section 101.4.9 Accessibility to read as follows: "Buildings and facilities shall be designed and constructed to be accessible in accordance with this code and the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS). Wherever reference elsewhere in this code is made to ICC A117.1, the TAS of Texas Government Code, Chapter 469, Elimination of Architectural Barriers shall be substituted. Buildings subject to the requirements of the Texas Accessibility Standards are described in Administrative Rules of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 68."
(2) Amend Section 104.1 General by adding the following: "The term building official as used in this code, or as used in the codes and standards referenced in this code, shall mean the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation, the executive director of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council, or the local building official in accordance with the powers and duties assigned to each in Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202, Industrialized Housing and Buildings."
(3) Amend Section 107.1 General to read as follows: "Submittal documents consisting of construction documents, statement of special inspections, geotechnical report and other data shall be submitted in two or more sets, or in a digital format if allowed by the building official, with each permit application. The construction documents shall be prepared by a registered design professional where required by the statutes of the jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed. Where special conditions exist, the building official is authorized to require additional construction documents to be prepared by a registered design professional. Construction documents depicting the structural design of buildings to be located in hurricane prone regions shall be prepared and sealed by a Texas licensed professional engineer."
(4) Amend Section 111 Certificate of Occupancy as follows.
(A) Amend Section 111.1 Change of occupancy to read as follows: "A building or structure shall not be used or occupied in whole or in part, and a change in the existing use or occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall not be made, until the local building official has issued a certificate of occupancy in accordance with the locally adopted rules and regulations. Issuance of a certificate of occupancy shall not be construed as an approval of a violation of the provisions of this code or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction. Certificates presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid. Exception: Certificates of occupancy are not required for work exempt from permits under Section 105.2."
(B) Amend Section 111.2 Certificate issued to read as follows. "The local building official shall issue a certificate of occupancy in accordance with the locally adopted rules and regulations. After the local building official inspects the industrialized house or building and does not find violations of the provisions of this code or other laws that are enforced by the department of building safety, the local building official shall issue a record of final inspection authorizing the release of the house or building for occupancy."
(C) Delete Items 1 through 12 of Section 111.2.
(D) Amend Section 111.3 Temporary occupancy to read as follows: "The local building official may issue a temporary certificate of occupancy in accordance with locally adopted rules and regulations."
(E) Add new Section 111.5 Industrialized housing and buildings installed outside the jurisdiction of a municipality or within a municipality without an inspection department to read as follows: "The installation of buildings installed outside the jurisdiction of a municipality or within a municipality without an inspection department shall comply with the requirements of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202 and 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70, Administrative Rules Industrialized Housing and Buildings."
(5) Amend Section 311.3 Low-hazard storage, Group S-2 by adding the following to the list of uses that are covered by this occupancy group: "Equipment shelters or equipment buildings."
(6) Amend Chapter 11 Accessibility as follows.
(A) Amend Section 1102.1 Design to read as follows: "Buildings and facilities shall be designed and constructed to be accessible in accordance with this code and the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS)."
(B) Delete Section 1103 through Section 1112.
(7) Amend Chapter 35 Referenced Standards as follows.
(A) Delete the following standard: "ICC A117.1-17, Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities".
(B) Add TDLR, Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, P.O. Box 12157, Austin, Texas 78711 as a promulgating agency; add 2012 TAS, Texas Accessibility Standards as adopted under 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 68 as the referenced standard; and add code sections 202, 907., 1009.8.2, 1009.9, 1009.11, 1010.2.13.1, 1012.1, 1012.6.5, 1012.10, 1013.4, 1023.9, 1102.1, 1108.2, 1110.1, 1110.2, 1110.5.1, 1110.5.2, 1111.3, 1111.4, 1111.4.2, 1112.3, 1112.4, 1112.5, and 1112.5.2 as the referenced code sections.
(C) Add code section 101.4.8 as a referenced code section for NFPA Standard 70-20, National Electrical Code .
(8) Amend Section K111.1 Adoption to read as follows: "Electrical systems and equipment shall be designed, constructed and installed in accordance with NFPA 70 except as otherwise provided in this code."
(d) The 2021 International Residential Code shall be amended as follows.
(1) Amend Section R101 Scope and General Requirements as follows.
(A) Amend Section R101.1 Title to read as follows: "These regulations shall be known as the Residential Code for One- and Two-family Dwellings of the Texas Industrialized Housing and Buildings Program, hereinafter referred to as 'this code.'"
(B) Amend Section R101.2 Scope by adding the following: "Where conflicts occur between the provisions of this code and the provisions of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202, Industrialized Housing and Buildings, or the provisions of 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70, rules governing the Texas Industrialized Housing and Buildings Program, the provisions of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202 and 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70 shall control."
(2) Amend Section R102 Applicability as follows.
(A) Amend Section R102.4 Referenced codes and standards to read as follows: "The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each reference and as further regulated in Sections R102.4.1 through R102.4.4. Whenever amendments to the referenced codes have been adopted, each reference to said code shall be considered to reference the amendment as well."
(B) Add new Section R102.4.3 Electrical code to read as follows: "The provisions of the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70, shall apply to the installation of electrical systems, including alterations, repairs, replacement, equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances thereto. Any reference to NFPA 70 or the Electrical Code shall mean the Electrical Code as adopted. Any reference to chapters 34 through 43 of this code shall mean the Electrical Code as adopted."
(C) Add new Section R102.4.4 TDI Code-Wind design to read as follows: "The wind design of buildings to be placed in the first tier counties along the Texas coast and designated catastrophe areas as defined by the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) shall also comply with the current effective code and amendments adopted by the TDI, hereafter referred to as the TDI Code. Where conflicts occur between the provisions of this code and the TDI Code as they relate to the requirements for wind design, the more stringent requirements shall apply. Where conflicts occur between the provisions of this code and the editions of the codes specified by the Texas Department of Insurance as they relate to requirements other than wind design, this code shall apply."
(D) Amend Section R102.5 Appendices by adding the following: "Appendices AG, AH, AK, AP, AQ, and AT shall be considered part of this code."
(E) Add new Section R102.8 Moved industrialized housing to read as follows: "Moved industrialized housing shall comply with the requirements of the local building official for moved buildings."
(3) Amend Section R104.1 General by adding the following: "The term building official as used in this code, or as used in the codes and standards referenced in this code, shall mean the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation, the executive director of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council, or the local building official in accordance with the powers and duties assigned to each in Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202, Industrialized Housing and Buildings."
(4) Amend Section R106.1 Submittal documents by adding the following: "Submittal documents consisting of construction documents, and other data shall be submitted in two or more sets, or in a digital format if allowed by the building official, with each application for a permit. The construction documents shall be prepared by a registered design professional where required by the statutes of the jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed. Where special conditions exist, the building official is authorized to require additional construction documents to be prepared by a registered design professional. Construction documents depicting the structural design of buildings to be located in hurricane prone regions and in the first tier counties along the Texas coast and designated catastrophe areas as defined by the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) shall be prepared and sealed by a Texas licensed professional engineer."
(5) Amend Section R110 Certificate of Occupancy as follows.
(A) Amend Section R110.1 Use and change of occupancy to read as follows: "A building or structure shall not be used or occupied in whole or in part, and a change in the existing use or occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall not be made, until the local building official has issued a certificate of occupancy in accordance with locally adopted rules and regulations. Issuance of a certificate of occupancy shall not be construed as an approval of a violation of the provisions of this code or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction. Certificates presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid."
(B) Amend Section R110.2 Change in use to read as follows: "Changes in the character or use of new industrialized housing are not allowed. Changes in the character or use of existing industrialized housing shall not be made except as authorized by the local building official."
(C) Amend Section R110.3 Certificate issued to read as follows: "The local building official shall issue a certificate of occupancy in accordance with the locally adopted rules and regulations. After the local building official inspects the industrialized house or building and does not find violations of the provisions of this code or other laws that are enforced by the department of building safety, then the local building official shall issue a record of final inspection authorizing the release of the house or building for occupancy."
(D) Delete Items 1 through 9 of Section R110.3.
(E) Amend Section R110.4 Temporary occupancy to read as follows: "The local building official may issue a temporary certificate of occupancy in accordance with locally adopted rules and regulations."
(F) Add new Section R110.6 Industrialized housing installed outside the jurisdiction of a municipality or in a municipality without an inspection department to read as follows: "The installation of industrialized housing installed outside the jurisdiction of a municipality or within a municipality without an inspection department shall comply with the requirements of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202 and 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70, Administrative Rules Industrialized Housing and Buildings."
(6) Amend Section R301.2 Climatic and geographic design criteria by adding the following sentence: "If no additional criteria have been established, or if there is no local jurisdiction to set the additional criteria, then the additional criteria shall be in accordance with the requirements in the footnotes of Table R301.2(1) and Sections R301.2.1 through R301.8 of this code."
(7) Amend Section R302.2.2 Common walls, to read as follows: "Common walls separating townhouse units shall be assigned a fire-resistance rating in accordance with item (1) or (2) and shall be rated for fire exposure from both sides. Common walls shall extend to and be tight against the exterior sheathing of the exterior walls, or the inside face of exterior walls without stud cavities, and the underside of the roof sheathing. The common wall shared by two townhouse units shall be constructed without plumbing or mechanical equipment, ducts or vents, other than water-filled fire sprinkler piping in the cavity of the common wall. The wall shall be rated for fire exposure from both sides and shall extend to and be tight against exterior walls and the underside of the roof sheathing. Electrical installations shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70 as adopted. Penetrations of the membrane of common walls for electrical outlet boxes shall be in accordance with Section R302.4.
(A) Amend Section R302.2.2(1), to read as follows: "Where a fire sprinkler system in accordance with Section P2904 is provided, the common wall shall be not less than a 1-hour fire-resistance-rated wall assembly tested in accordance with ASTM E119 or UL 263 or Section 703.2.2 of the International Building Code."
(B) Amend Section R302.2.2(2), to read as follows: "Where a fire sprinkler system in accordance with Section P2904 is not provided, the common wall shall be not less than a 2-hour fire-resistance-rated wall assembly tested in accordance with ASTM E119 or UL 263 or Section 703.2.2 of the International Building Code."
(C) Amend Section R302.2.2 Common walls - Exception to read as follows: Exception: "Common walls are permitted to extend to and be tight against the inside of the exterior walls if the cavity between the end of the common wall and the exterior sheathing is filled with a minimum of two 2-inch nominal thickness wood studs."
(8) Amend Section R303.10 Required heating to read as follows: "Every dwelling unit shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a minimum room temperature of 68°F (20°C) at a point 3 feet (914 mm) above the floor and 2 feet (610 mm) from exterior walls in habitable rooms at the design temperature. The installation of one or more portable space heaters shall not be used to achieve compliance with this section."
(9) Amend Section R313 Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems as follows.
(A) Amend Section R313.1 Townhouse automatic fire sprinkler systems to read as follows: "The common wall between townhouses shall be constructed in accordance with Section R302.2(2) if an automatic residential fire sprinkler system is not installed. The fire-rating of the common wall may be reduced in accordance with Section R302.2(1) if an automatic residential fire sprinkler system is installed in townhouses."
(B) Amend Section R313.2 One- and two-family dwelling automatic fire systems to read as follows: "One- and two-family dwelling automatic fire sprinkler systems. The construction, projections, openings and penetrations of exterior walls of one- and two-family dwellings and accessory buildings shall comply with Table R302.1(1) if an automatic residential fire sprinkler system is not installed. The construction, projections, openings and penetrations of the exterior walls of one- and two-family dwellings and their accessory uses may be constructed in accordance with the requirements of Table R302.1(2) if an automatic residential fire sprinkler system is installed in one- and two-family dwellings."
(10) Amend the second sentence of Section R902.1 Roofing covering materials to read as follows: "Class A, B or C roofing shall be installed.
(11) Amend Chapter 11 [RE] Energy Efficiency as follows.
(A) Replace N1101.2 Intent with N1101.2 Compliance to read as follows: "Compliance shall be demonstrated by meeting the requirements of the Residential Provisions of the International Energy Conservation Code."
(B) Delete Section N1101.3 through Section N1113 .
(12) Delete Part VIII-Electrical, Chapters 34 through 43.
(13) Amend Chapter 44 Referenced Standards as follows.
(A) Delete code sections N1101.5 and N1101.13 as referenced code sections for IECC-15, International Energy Conservation Code.
(B) Add code section R102.4.3 and delete code sections E3401.1, E3401.2, E4301.1, Table E4303.2, E4304.3, and E4304.4 as referenced code sections for NFPA Standard 70-20, National Electrical Code.
(C) Add TDI, Texas Department of Insurance, Windstorm Inspections Program, 333 Guadalupe Street, Austin, Texas 78701 as a promulgating agency, add TDI Code, Building Codes adopted by TDI for the Windstorm Inspection Program, as the referenced standard, and add code sections R102.4.4 and R106.1 as the referenced code sections.
(14) Amend Section U101.1 General to read as follows: "These provisions shall be applicable for new construction where solar-ready provisions are provided."
(e) The 2021 International Fuel Gas Code shall be amended as follows.
(1) Amend Section 101 General as follows.
(A) Amend Section 101.1 Title to read as follows: "These regulations shall be known as the Fuel Gas Code of the Texas Industrialized Housing and Buildings Program, hereinafter referred to as 'this code.'"
(B) Amend Section 101.2 Scope by adding the following: "Where conflicts occur between the provisions of this code and the provisions of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202, Industrialized Housing and Buildings, or the provisions of 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70, rules governing the Texas Industrialized Housing and Buildings Program, the provisions of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202 and 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70 shall control."
(2) Amend Section 102 Applicability as follows.
(A) Amend Section 102.4 Additions, alterations or repairs to read as follows: "The provisions of the International Existing Building Code shall apply to all matters governing the repair, alterations, or additions of existing previously occupied industrialized buildings that are designed to be transported from one commercial site to another commercial site. Additions, alterations, or repairs shall not cause an existing installation to become unsafe, hazardous, or overloaded."
(B) Amend Section 102.5 Change in occupancy by adding the following to the beginning of the section: "The provisions of the International Existing Building Code shall apply to all matters governing a change in the occupancy of existing previously occupied industrialized buildings that are designed to be transported from one commercial site to another commercial site."
(C) Amend Section 102.7 Moved buildings by replacing the first sentence with the following: "Moved industrialized buildings that bear approved certification decals or insignia, and that may also bear an alteration decal, in accordance with the requirements of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202 and 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70, and that have not been altered or modified since the decal, insignia, or alteration decal was attached, shall be considered to be in compliance with the current mandatory building codes adopted by the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council."
(D) Amend Section 102.8 Referenced codes and standards by adding the following: "Whenever amendments to the referenced codes have been adopted, each reference to said code shall be considered to reference the amendment as well."
(3) Amend Chapter 8 Referenced Standards by adding ICC Standard IEBC-21, International Existing Building Code, referenced in code sections 102.4 and 102.5.
(f) The 2021 International Mechanical Code shall be amended as follows.
(1) Amend Section 101 General as follows.
(A) Amend Section 101.1 Title to read as follows: "These regulations shall be known as the Mechanical Code of the Texas Industrialized Housing and Buildings Program, hereinafter referred to as 'this code.'"
(B) Amend Section 101.2 Scope by adding the following: "Where conflicts occur between the provisions of this code and the provisions of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202, Industrialized Housing and Buildings, or the provisions of 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70, rules governing the Texas Industrialized Housing and Buildings Program, the provisions of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202 and 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70 shall control."
(2) Amend Section 102 Applicability as follows.
(A) Amend Section 102.4 Additions, alterations or repairs to read as follows: "The provisions of the International Existing Building Code shall apply to all matters governing the repair, alterations, or additions of existing previously occupied industrialized buildings that are designed to be transported from one commercial site to another commercial site. Additions, alterations or repairs shall not cause an existing installation to become unsafe, hazardous or overloaded."
(B) Amend Section 102.5 Change in occupancy by replacing the first sentence with the following: "The provisions of the International Existing Building Code shall apply to all matters governing a change in the occupancy of existing previously occupied industrialized buildings that are designed to be transported from one commercial site to another commercial site."
(C) Amend Section 102.7 Moved buildings by replacing the first sentence with the following: "Moved industrialized buildings that bear approved certification decals or insignia, and that may also bear an alteration decal, in accordance with the requirements of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202 and 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70, and that have not been altered or modified since the decal, insignia, or alteration decal was attached, shall be considered to be in compliance with the current mandatory building codes adopted by the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council."
(D) Amend Section 102.8 Referenced codes and standards by adding the following: "Whenever amendments to the referenced codes have been adopted, each reference to said code shall be considered to reference the amendment as well."
(3) Amend Chapter 15 Referenced Standards by adding ICC Standard IEBC-21, International Existing Building Code, referenced in code sections 102.4 and 102.5.
(g) The 2021 International Plumbing Code shall be amended as follows.
(1) Amend Section 101 General as follows.
(A) Amend Section 101.1 Title to read as follows: "These regulations shall be known as the Plumbing Code of the Texas Industrialized Housing and Buildings Program, hereinafter referred to as 'this code.'"
(B) Amend Section 101.2 Scope by adding the following: "Where conflicts occur between the provisions of this code and the provisions of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202, Industrialized Housing and Buildings, or the provisions of 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70, rules governing the Texas Industrialized Housing and Buildings Program, the provisions of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202 and 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70 shall control."
(2) Amend Section 102 Applicability as follows.
(A) Amend Section 102.4 Additions, alterations or repairs by replacing the first sentence with the following: "The provisions of the International Existing Building Code shall apply to all matters governing the repair, alterations, or additions of existing previously occupied industrialized buildings that are designed to be transported from one commercial site to another commercial site."
(B) Amend Section 102.5 Change in occupancy by adding the following to the beginning of the section: "The provisions of the International Existing Building Code shall apply to all matters governing a change in the occupancy of existing previously occupied industrialized buildings that are designed to be transported from one commercial site to another commercial site."
(C) Amend Section 102.7 Moved buildings to read as follows: "Moved industrialized buildings that bear approved certification decals or insignia, and that may also bear an alteration decal, in accordance with the requirements of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202 and 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70, and that have not been altered or modified since the decal, insignia, or alteration decal was attached, shall be considered to be in compliance with the current mandatory building codes adopted by the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council."
(D) Amend Section 102.8 Referenced codes and standards by adding the following: "Whenever amendments to the referenced codes have been adopted, each reference to said code shall be considered to reference the amendment as well."
(3) Amend Section 403 Minimum Plumbing Facilities as follows.
(A) Add new Section 403.7 Industrialized housing and buildings exceptions to read as follows: "Plumbing fixtures for industrialized buildings shall be provided as required by Table 403.1 except as allowed in Sections 403.7.1, 403.7.2 and 403.7.3."
(B) Add new Section 403.7.1 Buildings that are not normally occupied to read as follows: "Buildings, such as equipment or communication shelters, that are not normally occupied or that are only occupied to service equipment, shall not be required to provide plumbing facilities. EXCEPTION: Buildings that are not normally occupied that are also classified as a Group H occupancy must be provided with plumbing facilities required for this type of occupancy such as requirements for emergency showers and eyewash stations."
(C) Add new Section 403.7.2 Other industrialized buildings to read as follows: "All other industrialized buildings shall contain the minimum plumbing fixtures required in accordance with Table 403.1 unless the building is a non-site specific building and the plans and the data plate contain a special condition/limitation note that the minimum number of required fixtures shall be provided in another building located on the installation site with a path of travel that does not exceed a distance of 500 feet. The plumbing facilities must be accessible to the occupants of the industrialized building. Non-site specific buildings and special condition limitation notes shall be as defined in the 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70, rules governing the Texas Industrialized Housing and Buildings Program."
(D) Add new Section 403.7.3 Requirements for service sinks for industrialized buildings to read as follows: "Commercial industrialized buildings with areas of less than or equal to 1,800 square feet shall not be required to contain a service sink provided that the building contains a lavatory and water closet that can be substituted for the service sink. EXCEPTION: A building of less than 1,800 square feet in area without any plumbing facilities shall comply with section 403.7.2.
(4) Amend Chapter 15 Referenced Standards by adding ICC Standard IEBC-21, International Existing Building Code , referenced in code sections 102.4 and 102.5.
(h) The 2015 International Energy Conservation Code shall be amended as follows.
(1) Amend Section C101 Scope and General Requirements and R101 Scope and General Requirements as follows.
(A) Amend Section C101.1 Title and Section R101.1 Title to read as follows: "These regulations shall be known as the Energy Conservation Code of the Texas Industrialized Housing and Buildings Program, hereinafter referred to as "this code."
(B) Amend Section C101.2 Scope and R101.2 Scope by adding the following: "Where conflicts occur between the provisions of this code and the provisions of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202, Industrialized Housing and Buildings, or the provisions of 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70, rules governing the Texas Industrialized Housing and Buildings Program, the provisions of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202 and 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70 shall control."
(2) Amend Section C102 Alternate Materials - Method of Construction, Design or Insulating Systems and R102 Alternate Materials, Design and Methods of Construction and Equipment as follows.
(A) Add new Section C102.1.2 Compliance software tools to read as follows: "The following software tools may be used to demonstrate energy code compliance for commercial buildings. The mandatory requirements of this code apply regardless of the software program that is used to demonstrate compliance. 1. The PLLN/DOE software programs COMcheck. 2. Software programs approved by the State Energy Conservation Office. 3. Other software programs if approved by the executive director or the Council."
(B) Add new Section R102.1.2 Compliance software tools to read as follows: "The following software tools may be used to demonstrate energy code compliance for commercial buildings. The mandatory requirements of this code apply regardless of the software program that is used to demonstrate compliance. 1. The PLLN/DOE software programs REScheck. 2. The Texas Energy Systems Laboratory International Code Compliance Calculator, IC3. 3. Software programs approved by the State Energy Conservation Office. 4. Other software programs if approved by the executive director or the Council."
(3) Amend Section C106.1 Referenced codes and standards and Section R106.1 Referenced Codes and Standards by adding the following: "Whenever amendments to the referenced codes have been adopted, each reference to said code shall be considered to reference the amendment as well."
(4) Add new Section C401.2.2 Buildings for state agencies and institutions of higher education to read as follows: "Buildings for state agencies and institutions of higher education shall comply with the energy standard adopted pursuant to Texas Government Code, §447.004 by the State Energy Conservation Office (SECO), and implementation through 34 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 19, Subchapter C, Energy Conservation Design Standards."
(5) Add new item 4 to Section R401.2 Compliance to read as follows: "Alternative for single-family housing only. A manufacturer or builder may choose to use the energy code with any local amendments or alternative compliance paths that are requested by a municipality, county, or group of counties located in the climate zone where the house will be located and are determined by the Texas Energy Systems Laboratory to be equally or more stringent than the energy code adopted by the State Energy Conservation Office (SECO)."
(6) Add new Section C501.7 Moved buildings to add the following sentence: "Moved industrialized buildings that bear approved certification decals or insignia, and that may also bear an alteration decal, in accordance with the requirements of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202 and 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70, and that have not been altered or modified since the decal, insignia, or alteration decal was attached, shall be considered to be in compliance with the current mandatory building codes adopted by the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council."
(7) Amend Chapter C6 Referenced Standards and Chapter R6 Referenced Standards as follows.
(A) Add to Chapter C6 PNNL/DOE, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory/Department of Energy Conservation, https://www.energycodes.gov/software-and-webtools, as a promulgating agency, COMcheck Version or later, Commercial Energy Compliance Software as the referenced standard, and section C102.1.2 as the referenced code section.
(B) Add to Chapter R6 PNNL/DOE, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory/Department of Energy Conservation, https://www.energycodes.gov/software-and-webtools, as a promulgating agency, REScheck Version 4.6.3 or later, Residential Energy Compliance Software as the referenced standard, and section R102.1.2 as the referenced code section.
(C) Add to Chapter R6 the Texas Energy Systems Laboratory, 402 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South, College Station, Texas 77845-3581, as a promulgating agency, IC3, v 3.10 or later, International Code Compliance Calculator as the referenced standard, and section R102.1.2 as the referenced code section.
(i) The 2021 International Existing Building Code shall be amended as follows.
(1) Amend Section 101 Scope and General Requirements as follows.
(A) Amend Section 101.1 Title to read as follows: "These regulations shall be known as the Existing Building Code of the Texas Industrialized Housing and Buildings Program, hereinafter referred to as 'this code.'"
(B) Amend Section 101.2 Scope by adding the following: "Where conflicts occur between the provisions of this code and the provisions of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202, Industrialized Housing and Buildings, or the provisions of 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70, rules governing the Texas Industrialized Housing and Buildings Program, the provisions of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1202 and 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70 shall control."
(2) Amend Section 102 Applicability as follows.
(A) Amend Section 102.4 Referenced codes and standards to read as follows: "The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be considered to be part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference and as further regulated in Sections 102.4.1 through 102.4.3. Whenever amendments to the referenced codes have been adopted, each reference to said code shall be considered to reference the amendment as well."
(B) Add new Section 102.4.3 Accessibility for existing buildings to read as follows: "Wherever reference elsewhere in this code is made to sections in Chapter 11 of the International Building Code or ICC A117.1, the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS) of Texas Government Code, Chapter 469, Elimination of Architectural Barriers shall be substituted."
(3) Amend Section 1301.2 Applicability to read as follows: "Existing buildings in which there is work involving additions, alterations or changes of occupancy shall be made to conform to the requirements of this chapter or the provisions of Chapters 6 through 12. The provisions of Sections 1301.2.1 through 1301.2.6 shall apply to existing occupancies that will continue to be, or are proposed to be, in Groups A, B, E, F, I-2, M, R and S. These provisions shall also apply to Group U occupancies where such occupancies are undergoing a change of occupancy or a partial change in occupancy with separations in accordance with Section 1301.2.2. These provisions shall not apply to buildings with occupancies in Group H, I-1, I-3, or I-4."
(4) Amend Chapter 16 Referenced Standards as follows.
(A) Delete the following standard: "ICC A117.1-09, Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities."
(B) Amend to read as follows: "TDLR, Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, P.O. Box 12157, Austin, Texas 78711 as a promulgating agency; add 2012 TAS - effective March 2012, Texas Accessibility Standards as adopted under 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 68 as the referenced standard; and add code sections 102.4, 410.8.2, 410.8.3, 410.8.10, 705.1.2, and 705.1.3 as the referenced code sections."
(j) The 2020 National Electrical Code shall be amended as follows.
(1) Amend Article 310.1 Scope to read as follows: "This article covers general requirements for conductors rated up to and including 2000 volt and their type designations, insulations, markings, mechanical strengths, ampacity ratings, and uses. These requirements do not apply to conductors that form an integral part of equipment, such as motors, motor controllers, and similar equipment, or to conductors specifically provided for elsewhere in this Code . Aluminum and copper-clad aluminum shall not be used for branch circuits in buildings classified as a residential occupancy. Aluminum and copper-clad aluminum conductors, of size number 4 AWG or larger, may be used in branch circuits in buildings classified as occupancies other than residential."
(2) Add new Article 545.14, Testing, to read as follows.
(A) "(A) Dielectric Strength Test. The wiring of each modular house, building, or component shall be subjected to a 1-minute, 900-volt, dielectric strength test (with all switches closed) between live parts (including neutral conductor) and the house, building, or component ground. Alternatively, the test shall be permitted to be performed at 1080 volts for 1 second. This test shall be performed after branch circuits are complete and after luminaires or appliances are installed. Exception: Listed luminaires or appliances shall not be required to withstand the dielectric strength test. Exception: A DC dielectric tester can be used as an alternate to the use of an AC dielectric tester. The applied test voltage for testing with a DC tester shall be 1.414 times the value of the equivalent AC test voltage."
(B) "(B) Continuity and Operational Tests and Polarity Checks. Each modular house, building, or component shall be subjected to all of the following: (1) An electrical continuity test to ensure that all exposed electrically conductive parts are properly bonded; (2) An electrical operational test to demonstrate that all equipment, except water heaters and electric furnaces, are connected and in working order; (3) Electrical polarity checks of permanently wired equipment and receptacle outlets to determine that connections have been properly made."
(3) Remove Section 210.8(F).
Source Note: The provisions of this §70.101 adopted to be effective August 1, 2017, 42 TexReg 676; amended to be effective March 15, 2020, 45 TexReg 1674; amended to be effective March 1, 2024, 49 TexReg 1077