(a) Establishment. The Public Private Partnership (PPP) is established.
(b) Purpose. The purpose of the PPP is to explore, study, and recommend innovative and creative practices that affect the Texas Foster Care system. The PPP provides recommendations to the Department regarding Foster Care Redesign and its implementation.
(c) Tasks. The PPP performs the following tasks:
(1) makes recommendations to the Department through regularly scheduled meetings and Department staff assigned to the committee; and
(2) performs other tasks consistent with the committee's purpose that are requested by the Commissioner.
(d) Reporting requirements and Department action.
(1) The PPP reports recommendations to the Department at least annually.
(2) PPP recommendations may inform Department policy or practice.
(3) PPP recommendations are advisory and do not obligate the Department to take action.
(e) Membership.
(1) The PPP consists of no more than 24 members.
(2) Members are appointed by the Commissioner.
(3) Membership requirements.
(A) Members must have demonstrated a commitment to the children, youth, and families of Texas and have knowledge and experience with the Texas foster care system.
(B) Members must be willing to devote the time necessary to attend and participate in meetings.
(C) In choosing PPP members, the Commissioner considers how the diverse ethnic, gender, and geographic communities in Texas are represented on the committee, including diverse sizes and types of providers.
(4) Membership includes:
(A) providers and provider associations in good standing with the Department;
(B) youth who were formerly in foster care;
(C) members of the judiciary;
(D) child welfare advocacy groups;
(E) parents; and
(F) other child welfare stakeholders, as determined by the Commissioner.
(5) Except as may be necessary to stagger terms, a committee member serves for a two-year term and may be appointed for additional terms at the discretion of the Commissioner.
(6) Members who represent a particular group are automatically removed from the committee when they are no longer members of the group in subsection (e)(1)(C) of this section whom they were appointed to represent, and may be replaced by another member of that same group by Commissioner appointment.
(7) Members who fail to attend three consecutive meetings without an excused absence by the presiding officer as reflected in the minutes are removed from the committee without further action, and the Commissioner appoints a replacement.
(f) Presiding officers. The presiding officer may not currently be an employee of or be actively seeking a contract as a Single Source Continuum Contractor (SSCC).
(g) Meetings. The PPP meets at least quarterly or as called by the presiding officer.
(h) Decision-making. The committee makes recommendations by consensus, with dissenting opinions noted.
(i) Bylaws. The committee will adopt bylaws to further govern committee practices, such as attendance requirements, meeting notices, workgroups and subcommittees, and conflicts of interest.
(j) Abolition. The PPP is abolished, and this section expires, August 31, 2026.
Source Note: The provisions of this §702.509 adopted to be effective July 1, 2016, 41 TexReg 4053