(a) Regardless of whether we conducted a telephone conference or meeting, the Child Care Investigations' division administrator or designee will uphold, reverse, or alter the abuse, neglect, or exploitation finding. If we proceed with the administrative review without conducting the telephone conference or meeting based on one of the reasons outlined in §707.823(c) of this division (relating to How is the administrative review conducted?), the decision to uphold, reverse, or alter the finding will be based on your written request and any supporting documentation submitted with your request.
(b) If the finding is reversed or altered, we will:
(1) update our records to reflect the change; and
(2) inform any operation previously notified of the investigation findings under §707.745(a)(4) of Division 2 (relating to Whom will we inform of the abuse, neglect, or exploitation investigation results?) of the reversal or change within five calendar days.
(c) If the finding is reversed, we will also remove your name from the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Central Registry.
Source Note: The provisions of this §707.825 adopted to be effective July 15, 2020, 45 TexReg 4780; amended to be effective January 3, 2022, 46 TexReg 9417