(a) Need for agreement.
(1) The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) seek to ensure that regulation of aquaculture is conducted in a manner that is both collaborative and responsible.
(2) The TCEQ and TPWD are concerned about issues relating to the raising of non-native aquatic species and their potential for escape into natural ecosystems, including the introduction of disease into natural ecosystems.
(3) The TCEQ and TPWD are concerned about the quality of wastewater discharges from aquaculture facilities and their effects on receiving waters in reservoirs, streams, bays, and estuaries.
(4) The TCEQ and TPWD seek to implement an interagency review procedure for applications requesting authorization to discharge wastewater from aquaculture facilities.
(5) The TCEQ and TPWD seek to implement an effective system by which coordination and collaboration can be achieved to expedite enforcement actions in response to discharges from aquaculture facilities that are found to contain contagious disease that may impact state waters.
(6) Texas Water Code, §5.104, authorizes the TCEQ to enter into an MOU with any other state agency.
(7) Texas Agriculture Code, §134.031, directs the TCEQ and TPWD to enter into an MOU for the regulation of matters relating to aquaculture.
(8) It is the intention of this MOU to provide a formal mechanism by which the TPWD may review and provide feedback on aquaculture issues that are subject to regulation by the TCEQ and that have the potential to affect natural resources and the regulation of aquaculture within the jurisdiction of the TPWD. This exchange of information would assist the TCEQ in making environmentally sound decisions and would improve coordination between the TCEQ and TPWD.
(b) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meanings.
(1) Aquaculture--The business of producing or rearing aquatic species (fish, crustaceans, mollusks, or any other organisms, excluding aquatic plants and algae, living in either fresh or marine waters) utilizing ponds, lakes, cages, fabricated tanks and raceways, or other similar structures.
(2) Application--A request submitted by an aquaculture facility to the TCEQ for authorization to discharge under an individual permit or a Notice of Intent (NOI) to seek authorization under a general permit.
(c) Responsibilities.
(1) The responsibilities of the TCEQ relate primarily to its role as the natural resource agency with primary responsibility over conservation of natural resources and the protection of the environment, under Texas Water Code, §5.012.
(A) The TCEQ has general jurisdiction over the state's water quality program including issuance of wastewater discharge permits, water quality planning, and enforcement of water quality rules, standards, orders, and permits, under Texas Water Code, §5.013.
(B) The TCEQ seeks to maintain the quality of water in the state consistent with public health and enjoyment, the propagation and protection of terrestrial and aquatic life, the operation of existing industries, and the economic development of the state, and to require the use of all reasonable methods to implement this policy.
(C) The TCEQ is responsible for review of wastewater applications and issuance of wastewater discharge permits.
(2) The responsibilities of the TPWD relate primarily to its functions as a natural resource agency, including its resource protection functions, as designated by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, §12.001 and §12.0011.
(A) The TPWD is the state agency with primary responsibility for protecting the state's fish and wildlife resources.
(B) The TPWD provides recommendations that will protect fish and wildlife resources to local, state, and federal agencies that approve, permit, license, or construct developmental projects.
(C) The TPWD provides information on fish and wildlife resources to any local, state, and federal agencies or private organizations that make decisions affecting those resources.
(D) The TPWD regulates the taking, possession, and conservation of all kinds of marine life and other aquatic life.
(E) The TPWD regulates the introduction of fish, shellfish, and aquatic plants into public water, under Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, §66.015(b).
(F) The TPWD regulates the importation, possession, and placing into state water of harmful or potentially harmful exotic species of fish, shellfish, or aquatic plants, under Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, §66.007(a), and is responsible for review of applications and subsequent issuance of permits relating to these activities
(d) Coordination procedures for wastewater discharge applications and permits.
(1) Coordination procedures for the Aquaculture General Permit Number TXG130000 and associated NOIs.
(A) During renewal or amendment of the Aquaculture General Permit, the TCEQ will provide the initial draft permit to the TPWD for review and comment prior to submitting the draft to EPA for review and approval.
(i) Within 45 days of the date of receipt of the initial draft permit, the TPWD will complete its initial assessment, and by letter shall provide the TCEQ with formal written recommendations designed to protect fish and wildlife resources or indicate that it has no comments.
(ii) If the TCEQ does not receive formal written comments from the TPWD within 45 days of the date of receipt of the initial draft permit, the TCEQ will conclude that there are no comments and continue processing of the general permit renewal or amendment.
(iii) Formal written comments received from the TPWD will be considered by the TCEQ in developing the final draft permit. The TPWD's comments will be evaluated in conjunction with all other applicable factors and will be incorporated by the TCEQ whenever it is consistent with the TCEQ's responsibilities. In accordance with the responsibilities of the TCEQ as described in subsection (c)(1) of this section, the TCEQ reserves the right to determine the requirements of the final draft permit. Concurrent with submission of the final draft permit to EPA, the TCEQ will provide a copy of the final draft permit to the TPWD.
(B) The TCEQ will provide copies of all NOIs to the TPWD within 14 days of the date of receipt.
(i) Within 45 days of the date of receipt of the NOI by the TPWD, the TPWD will complete its initial assessment, and by letter shall provide the TCEQ with formal written recommendations designed to protect fish and wildlife resources; indicate that it has no comments; or notify the TCEQ that it has requested additional information from the applicant. If TPWD requires additional information to make its evaluation, then the TPWD may request such additional information from the applicant within 45 days of the date of receipt of the NOI.
(ii) Except as provided by paragraph (3)(B) of this subsection, if the TCEQ does not receive a response from the TPWD within 45 days of TPWD receipt of the NOI, the TCEQ will conclude that there are no comments and continue processing of the application.
(iii) Formal written comments received from the TPWD will be considered by the TCEQ in determining whether to grant authorization under the general permit or require the applicant to seek authorization under an individual permit. The TPWD's comments will be evaluated in conjunction with all other applicable factors consistent with the TCEQ's responsibilities. In accordance with the responsibilities of the TCEQ as described in subsection (c)(1) of this section, the TCEQ reserves the right to determine the final disposition of the NOI.
(2) Coordination procedures for individual permit applications.
(A) The TCEQ will provide to the TPWD a copy of each individual permit application file received which requests authorization to discharge wastewater from aquaculture facilities within 14 days of the TCEQ administrative review completion. The application file shall include a copy of the application and any comments, memoranda, letters, or other information incorporated in the application file following date of application receipt so that the TPWD may complete an initial assessment of the proposed operation.
(B) Within 45 days of the date of receipt of the permit application file, the TPWD will complete its initial assessment, and by letter shall provide the TCEQ with formal written recommendations designed to protect fish and wildlife resources; indicate that it has no comments; or notify the TCEQ that it has requested additional information from the applicant. If TPWD requires additional information to make its evaluation, then the TPWD may request such additional information from the applicant within 45 days of the date of receipt of the permit application file.