(a) In order for a PEO to continue operating in this state, a license must be renewed annually.
(b) Non-receipt of a license renewal notice from the department does not exempt a person from any requirements of this chapter.
(c) To renew a PEO license, a person must provide the department with all of the following required information, on forms prescribed by the executive director:
(1) a completed registration form, including any applicable attachments or application forms;
(2) a completed personal information form from each controlling person as defined in Texas Labor Code §91.001(7), or a form indicating there has been no change in the personal information form since the previous license application or renewal from each controlling person;
(3) fingerprint cards for any new controlling persons;
(4) a completed criminal history questionnaire, as applicable;
(5) proof of positive working capital as described under §72.40; and
(6) the required fees.
(d) Each individual applicant and all controlling persons of the PEO must submit to a background investigation as described in §72.20(c) each year at the time of renewal.
(e) Falsification of a required document by the applicant is grounds for denial and/or revocation of license.
(f) Falsification of documentation provided by a controlling person disqualifies that person from serving as a controlling person.
(g) The department may refuse to renew a registration if the applicant or a controlling person of the applicant has violated Texas Labor Code, Chapter 91, this chapter, or a rule or an order issued by the commission or executive director.
Source Note: The provisions of this §72.21 adopted to be effective January 1, 2010, 34 TexReg 9430; amended to be effective December 31, 2011, 36 TexReg 8819; amended to be effective January 1, 2014, 38 TexReg 9512