Indoor equipment used both at and away from the operation must be safe for the children as follows:
(1) Floor surfaces under indoor equipment designed for climbing must have a unitary shock-absorbing surface that will effectively cushion the fall of a child. The surface must be installed in the use zone and maintained according to the manufacturer's directions. See §744.3201 of this title (relating to What does Licensing mean by the term "use zone?"). Carpeting alone, even if it is installed over thick padding, is not an acceptable resilient surface under indoor climbing equipment;
(2) Platforms over 20 inches in height for pre-kindergarten and younger children, and more than 30 inches in height for school-age children, must be equipped with protective barriers that prevent children from crawling over or falling through the barrier, or becoming entrapped; and
(3) If your program uses specialized equipment that is fundamental to the core development of a skill, talent, ability, expertise, or proficiency, such as parallel bars and trampolines used in gymnastics programs:
(A) The equipment must be installed and used according to manufacturer's instructions and supervised by trained personnel;
(B) The safety practices employed by the operation and the risks associated with the use of each type of equipment must be thoroughly outlined in your policies and procedures; and
(C) Parents must provide written consent before children may use the equipment. Written consent must be kept on file at the operation in the child's record.
Source Note: The provisions of this §744.3103 adopted to be effective September 1, 2010, 35 TexReg 7469; transferred effective March 9, 2018, as published in the Texas Register February 16, 2018, 43 TexReg 909